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Swedish election - could it end in violent revolution ?

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  • Originally posted by Aivo½so View Post
    Are Finns well represented in Spritpartiet?
    I'm afraid to even ask about most of them. I do know that EAP is Lyndon LaRouche's followers' party. Look him up if you don't know. They've been around for a long time. Back in the day one of their members was a prime suspect in the murder of prime minister Olof Palme.

    Svenskarnas Parti is the former NSF (National Socialist Front). They actually got one seat in a municipality in Västra Götaland for their "fuhrer". All it took was 100 odd votes though.


    • Originally posted by BlackCat View Post
      My guess is that they created it and gives their children a lifetime membership at birth

      OT, I'm a bit sorry that the late votes didn't push the result up to 175 - while I still find it fine that SD is represented, I would though prefer a sweden with a stable government. Oh, and don't get it wrong, sweden in disarray is just fine, but we earn more from a stable sweden .
      The rumors of imminent anarchy are somewhat exaggerated. Most of the 20th C have been minority governments. The real story here is that the Moderates are the biggest they have ever been since universal suffrage was introduced. Conversely, the Social Democrats are the smallest they have ever been.

      This has been a historic election, but the media has let it be overshadowed by technicalities and a small gang of malcontents. Pfft.


      • And that you say to a dane that has experienced several minority govs Yeah, you will of course survive. What will be interesting is the next 1-2 elections. If the SD's just elected manage to display utter stupidness, they probably won't survive (just like danish FRP), but if they get their **** together (like DF - that is professional and culling off nutcases), they may actually grow bigger, and then you may end up in danish reality - you can't ignore them (danish (S) claims that they aren't stuerene, but my bet is that they easily could make a deal with them in 5-10 years).

        No matter what, the fact that they got elected will rock the swedish boat
        With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

        Steven Weinberg


        • If they fall overboard I'm not turning around to pick them up.

          Anyway I agree it's up in the air to an extent. Basically, if they do nothing at all and nothing else changes (like the government takes up their issues and solutions, which is not likely) they will probably grow slightly just from the media exposure and people starting to consider them a more "normal" party.

          Some real and proper scandals or very incompetent behavior could embarrass them and shut them out next time but I think they are too well-established by now to just end up like NyD did.

          NyD was a populist anti-immigration party created a few months before the 1991 elections, got in and was an annoyance, and then disappeared almost as quickly as they came. Of course, Sweden had the banking crisis right after and then unemployment quadrupled and people wanted safe bets after that. In contradiction to them, SD has a real base and thinks long-term.


          • Originally posted by Kitschum View Post
            If they fall overboard I'm not turning around to pick them up.
            Yeah, typical swedish social security in action

            Anyway I agree it's up in the air to an extent. Basically, if they do nothing at all and nothing else changes (like the government takes up their issues and solutions, which is not likely) they will probably grow slightly just from the media exposure and people starting to consider them a more "normal" party.

            Some real and proper scandals or very incompetent behavior could embarrass them and shut them out next time but I think they are too well-established by now to just end up like NyD did.
            The fun stuff is that they actually doesn't have to produce results to hold their position or even grow - they are in opposition and dosn't have to prove anything. Actually, not being a part of the solution will be a plus, so maybe your party leaders should reconsider their negligance
            With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

            Steven Weinberg


            • Outdated by now:

              Modern man calls walking more quickly in the same direction down the same road “change.”
              The world, in the last three hundred years, has not changed except in that sense.
              The simple suggestion of a true change scandalizes and terrifies modern man. -Nicolás Gómez Dávila


              • Epilogue

                The opening of parliament was yesterday and following tradition a ceremony was held in the Great Church in Stockholm.

                We have no state church since 10 years ago but who keeps track of petty details like that.

                The PM arrives with his wife. Tell me, how the hell did he get her?

                The red-green opposition leaders arrive.

                The SD leader arrives clad in the national costume. Surely this can only end well?

                The gay female bishop holds a sermon praising human dignity and equal rights. In passing she approvingly mentions an anti-racist demonstration held the day before, which conveniently doubled as an anti-SD demo.

                Holy hell! She shouldn't have done that! All but four of the assembled Sders storm out of the church with sour expressions on their faces.

                The PM seems unperturbed as the gathering moves on to the parliament building.

                Later, his hot Southern (Swedish) temper having cooled off a bit, the SD leader apologizes to the king (!?) for having barged out.

                In other news, the new (old) government was (with 7 exceptions re-)appointed. It has more ministers than any other in Europe and surely that can only be a good thing.

                Moderates (13/+3): Prime Minister, Justice, Migration, Foreign, Foreign Aid, Trade, Defence, Social Insurance, Finance, Financial Markets, Infrastructure, Culture and Sports, Labor Markets

                Liberals (4/+0): EU Minister, Education (and Deputy PM), Equality, Integration

                Center/Agrarian (4/+0): Rural Development, Environment, Commerce and Energy, IT and Regional Reform

                Christian Dem (3/+0): Social and Health Minister, Children and the Elderly, Civil and Housing

                For reference, parliamentary seats by party and coalition:

                M 107 (+10), FP 24 (-4), C 23 (-6), KD 19 (-5) = 173 (-5)
                SD 20 (+20)
                MP 25 (+6), V 19 (-3), S 112 (-18) = 156 (-15)

                Actually with M's relative success in the elections and the relative decline of the smaller parties the PM wanted this reflected in the government. Since taking away posts from his smaller coalition partners might upset them he simply added three new ones instead and put his own people there. That's great statesmanship, Freddie!

                Now Sweden's economic future hinges upon one question:

                Would you buy a used car from this man?


                • Originally posted by Heraclitus View Post
                  Outdated by now:

                  no, its not outdated its just retarded.

                  and yes kitschum, reinfeldts wife is wayyy to hot for him. but he does have this weird "charm" that swedes like so iam not surprised.

