Originally posted by DirtyMartini
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I came here to troll, but not to troll AAHZ. I got really pissed at WPC when Asher went in to troll and another poster used his thread to deeply insult my wife. Believe it or not, I wanted payback and so I trolled in the Poly thread that was trolling WPC, the one that was just closed. Really should not have done that but I do get sick of it. My philosophy is not my nature, I have a very peaceful philosophy, but a combative nature I'd rather be done with. Born in NY and raised in Jersey it becomes second nature that if you don't fight back you get crushed. Thing is, this isn't Jersey and there really is no fighting back, anyone can say anything they want and if the mods aren't there to take out the trash is just doesn't get done. Only in real life can one hope to change their nature.
I reacted to that troll badly. I should have just shut off my computer and lived in the real world where people don't treat others like that because if they do I can moderate them myself. See, there I go again. Walking away is a few steps down the line but that is what I aspire to. I don't really talk about my philosophy much because I'm really lousy at it.