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Is Global Warming Inevitable?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by VJ View Post
    global warming (or "climate change" as it has been rebranded) is not the end of the world and comparing it to nuclear holocaust is hysterical, get over it.
    I'm not actually comparing it in magnitude to nuclear war. If anything I'm contrasting it to some extent. But the actual danger from GW/CC is only a minor issue from my POV anyway. I'm more interested in the powerful force of mass governmental inertia this whole thing illuminates. Whether you personally believe it will cause armageddon or inconvenience or nothing at all, my point is that we're unlikely to do squat about it.
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    • #32
      my point is that we're unlikely to do squat about it.
      If so, I agree.

      "Global warming" or increased average temperature in earth is caused by increased amounts of CO2 in atmosphere. What's really driving the amount of CO2 in air up is burnage of fossil fuels, ie. carbon that was slowly tied to the soil by fossils 50-500 million years ago. How do you stop all the people in the world from burning carbon-based fuel products? It'd require global totalitarianism of epic scale to make sure that no person even on remote island would burn any fossil fuels (coal and oil, mostly). If you don't use carbon-based fuel cheap enough to be rationally used instead of alternative energy sources, someone else will. Restrictions of fossil fuel use in Europe and (possibly) in the US and Russia only force heavy industry dependant upon cheap energy to move to countries where restrictions are not in use.

      For now, "climate change" is only used as a phrase to justify increased taxes and wealth redistribution.


      • #33
        Our glorious leaders aren't setting a very good example:

        Copenhagen climate summit: 1,200 limos, 140 private planes and caviar wedges

