You don't need to be big to be heard. You can experiment in certain RL situations where information is being shared freely; people talking at restaurants, a discussion on public transportation, etc. Mention something, anything, and then stop and listen and see if some else brings it up.
I was in class a few weeks back and we had to discuss the right to rescue laws in small groups. I mentioned that if you took the law to extremes you'd have the ending to Seinfeld. We then fell into other conversation and I later heard another group talking about Seinfeld, and another, and another... I seriously doubt those douches think on my wavelength, which isn't higher, just stranger.
I was in class a few weeks back and we had to discuss the right to rescue laws in small groups. I mentioned that if you took the law to extremes you'd have the ending to Seinfeld. We then fell into other conversation and I later heard another group talking about Seinfeld, and another, and another... I seriously doubt those douches think on my wavelength, which isn't higher, just stranger.