I ask this from a purely Machiavellian-practical point of view: what does the U.S. gain from having Israel as an ally? I always read editorials saying that "Israel is important, since we need an ally in the region." But the reason for allies in the region is to pursue our interests, no? And our interests in the region, aside from religious sites, are 1. Oil and 2. Discouraging the natives from flying planes into our buildings. Israel, as an ally, more exasperates those issues.
I guess we might want an ally for military purposes, and Israel is rather good at that, but we can use shameful half-allies like Saudi Arabia for forward bases; do we need Israel to base airstrikes from?
Of course we're never going to actually drop Israel--AIPAC would raise hell, and so would the Evangelical Apocalypse nuts. Plus it would be very shameful to abandon a longstanding ally for cynical reasons, and so on. But how much do we gain from being their friend, honestly?
I guess we might want an ally for military purposes, and Israel is rather good at that, but we can use shameful half-allies like Saudi Arabia for forward bases; do we need Israel to base airstrikes from?
Of course we're never going to actually drop Israel--AIPAC would raise hell, and so would the Evangelical Apocalypse nuts. Plus it would be very shameful to abandon a longstanding ally for cynical reasons, and so on. But how much do we gain from being their friend, honestly?