This must be a joke right? Yes I know you go without smokes during boot camp. So how hard is it to extend that to all active service? My main concern is with meeting recruitment goals. but the general did have a decent point about stress relief. Although non smokers are able to find that stress relief somehow...
And they seem to want to phase out smokeless tobacco too. I knew many guys in the navy who dipped. It was much easier than going to the smoke pad (which can get smoky ). The smoke pad is on a sponson outside or the fantail. And can get crowded, or closed during refueling operations. Dip was annoying because you'd get people's spit all over you when you were cleaning up soda cans (which people spit into). Or when taking out the trash. I wouldn't mind seeing that go.
I'll go ahead and make this a poll. Express your thoughts on the matter. I know the goverment "owns" you in the military, but this is a bit much.