When I read about The American Revolution I think the idea of private gun ownership is great.
When I read stories about people coming to the rescue and stopping some crime from continuing because they were carrying a handgun I think the idea of private gun ownership is great.
When I am sitting amongst levelheaded people discussing the matter, I think it's great.
When I hear someone pop off a few rounds in my neighborhood for seemingly no reason I cannot comprehend why we allow such morons to own firearms (chances are they aren't allowed to own them anyway). The same goes for big celebrations when the same people decide fire crackers just ain't a substitute for real gunfire!
Every time I hear the gunfire I lean more and more towards the thinking that banning private gun ownership entirely is a good idea.
It's still a good theory in my mind, but in practice what I experience and read about is almost entirely negative.
When I read stories about people coming to the rescue and stopping some crime from continuing because they were carrying a handgun I think the idea of private gun ownership is great.
When I am sitting amongst levelheaded people discussing the matter, I think it's great.
When I hear someone pop off a few rounds in my neighborhood for seemingly no reason I cannot comprehend why we allow such morons to own firearms (chances are they aren't allowed to own them anyway). The same goes for big celebrations when the same people decide fire crackers just ain't a substitute for real gunfire!
Every time I hear the gunfire I lean more and more towards the thinking that banning private gun ownership entirely is a good idea.
It's still a good theory in my mind, but in practice what I experience and read about is almost entirely negative.