KLADR is a publicly accessible list of all addresses in Russia. This means you can take any address, like "1 Red Square, Moscow" or "the garage of the cement plant 11 km from Kirovograd", including outdated ones and
a) verify that it exists and is up-to-date (so you don't send your mail to Stalingrad)
b) store the address as an unambiguous short numeric code.
A postal extension allows you to enumerate over every single apartment and office, but you have to be a postal worker to get it.
Do you have anything like that in your own country? Also, where can I download it, then?
a) verify that it exists and is up-to-date (so you don't send your mail to Stalingrad)
b) store the address as an unambiguous short numeric code.
A postal extension allows you to enumerate over every single apartment and office, but you have to be a postal worker to get it.
Do you have anything like that in your own country? Also, where can I download it, then?