Yeah I know, it's dangerous business. Most people never choose to do it, some other person made the decision for them and so they have to risk their lives.
The point I'm making is that we become distant, like I watch some WWII documentaries all the time. To me they seem great. There's nostalgia, you think men were better, braver, more solid. But then when you really think about it, tens of millions of people died. Maniacs running all over the place, mass killing, genocidal sickos at their peak, what's so great about that? I think we're much more sensitive these days so we have to become distant. Sensitive, as in not used to. Back then, war was more statistical. Just bomb the whole city might be a good solution, from all sides. This makes me think about the good and bad side, is there any? Maybe there's just a degree of bad.
Of course we value individual effort. Of course we value the effort our our friends and families. Of course. And the sacrifices, loss of life in the family, yes of course. But at the same time, all a politician has to do is play that card and we're sort of on the boat for some more. Not eagerly perhaps, but let's just say willing. And more than not, it's always about some dude. It's a handful of people that start it, finish it and it's millions of people affected by it.
I like the old style of fighting. The King goes as well. More preferably the political command leads the attack. If we lose, they get their heads chopped off. That's the way I see it going down. I don't see a company doing well where their management sort of pitches their employees in a situation and they die in it. Why should states?
States aren't very solid things anyway, you get some ***** saying in the 1600s, or was it 16th century, that state should play this role and this is my suggestion, and then it sort of becomes the thing to do. They break up all the time anyway. I don't see it going on for a next 1000 years. I don't know... maybe we should just do a little soul searching and do a new division or forget the idea of division. Destroy extreme relativism. Invest all our money in biotech so we can bring back Jimi Hendrix. And Jim Morrison. Then we should rock out with our **** out.
The point I'm making is that we become distant, like I watch some WWII documentaries all the time. To me they seem great. There's nostalgia, you think men were better, braver, more solid. But then when you really think about it, tens of millions of people died. Maniacs running all over the place, mass killing, genocidal sickos at their peak, what's so great about that? I think we're much more sensitive these days so we have to become distant. Sensitive, as in not used to. Back then, war was more statistical. Just bomb the whole city might be a good solution, from all sides. This makes me think about the good and bad side, is there any? Maybe there's just a degree of bad.
Of course we value individual effort. Of course we value the effort our our friends and families. Of course. And the sacrifices, loss of life in the family, yes of course. But at the same time, all a politician has to do is play that card and we're sort of on the boat for some more. Not eagerly perhaps, but let's just say willing. And more than not, it's always about some dude. It's a handful of people that start it, finish it and it's millions of people affected by it.
I like the old style of fighting. The King goes as well. More preferably the political command leads the attack. If we lose, they get their heads chopped off. That's the way I see it going down. I don't see a company doing well where their management sort of pitches their employees in a situation and they die in it. Why should states?
States aren't very solid things anyway, you get some ***** saying in the 1600s, or was it 16th century, that state should play this role and this is my suggestion, and then it sort of becomes the thing to do. They break up all the time anyway. I don't see it going on for a next 1000 years. I don't know... maybe we should just do a little soul searching and do a new division or forget the idea of division. Destroy extreme relativism. Invest all our money in biotech so we can bring back Jimi Hendrix. And Jim Morrison. Then we should rock out with our **** out.