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Will Supreme Court take case on Obama's citizenship?

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  • Originally posted by Zkribbler
    If you don't do that, you certainly won't. This things aren't delivered, y'know.
    If you promise that I can see it, I will go. Serious.


    • Originally posted by TCO

      If you promise that I can see it, I will go. Serious.
      Somehow, I don't think airplane rides is stopping that cert from being looked at. Plenty of reporters would go to look as well. Nice in December...


      • I tell you what. Let's both go. If we get to see the original, I'll pay for the lark. If not, you're on. Ready for the bet?


        • No thanks. I used to live there in the 70's...just a few blocks from Barack as it turns out. Nowadays, I'd rather keep going all the way to the Philippines.


          • Originally posted by Ben Kenobi

            That's not the issue. The issue is whether he was 'natural born' or not.

            He cannot be considered naturally born unless he is born in the US, or born outside the US to two parents who are American citizens.

            Barry's dad is not an American citizen, so if Soetoro was not born in Hawaii, then he is not a natural born American.

            If he was born in Kenya, then he would have British citizenship at birth.

            He may not even be a citizen. If he was born in Kenya, his mom was too young for citizenship to be automatically transferred. At the time Soetoro was born, she would have needed to be resident in the US at least 5 years after the age of 14. She was too young, when Soetoro was born to transmit citizenship.

            If that's the case then Soetoro had Kenyan citizenship at birth, and would not have had American citizenship unless at some point he got naturalized.

            Nope, that's not how it works.

            That's part of the problem. Soetoro was formally adopted in Indonesia, so he would have had Indonesian citizenship on top of his British citizenship if he was born in Kenya.

            In short, if Soetoro was born outside the US, then he's not qualified to be President. Soetoro should show his birth certificate asap, it's a mystery to me why he hasn't.
            whilst not particularly relevant to the discussion your assertion that if he was born in Kenya would make him a brit cit just goes to show your complete lack of knoweldge on many things
            Last edited by TheStinger; December 8, 2008, 07:25.
            Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.
            Douglas Adams (Influential author)


            • The annexation of Hawaii was illegal. Therefore, Barrack Obama is an illegal immigrant and is ineligible to hold any public office, much less the Presidency.


              • The SCOTUS denied to hear the case today. Looks like it falls to Alan Keyes to continue the crusade!

                In reading further on it, it seems this particular case wasn't about Obama's birth certificate at all, but rather his holding dual citizenship? The plaintiff recognized Obama was born in Hawaii, but claimed that since his father was Kenyan, Obama had dual citizenship and was therefore inelligible, since the POTUS cannot be a citizen of another country.

                Tutto nel mondo è burla


                • Originally posted by TCO
                  I just want to see it, to see if there is proof. I'm not making an accusation or claiming evidence. I'm just looking in case there is. Capisce?
                  You've no more right to see Obama's birth certificate on demand than you have the right to see mine, or I see yours. They are considered private records for a reason.

                  The certified copy and the attestation from the Hawaiian official are more evidence than anyone needs.
                  Tutto nel mondo è burla

