Darius: You acknowledged yourself on page one that what the defense teams are doing in these cases is commonly accepted legal strategy. While you may argue the wisdom of it, the fact is that the actual defendants, whether it be Obama, the DNC, or the SoSes, are relying on their lawyers for the strategy, and are probably deferring to them. For whatever reason, these lawyers have decided this is the strategy to pursue, and their clients are having good faith that they're doing what's right. Are the lawyers possibly dragging this out to increase billable hours? Maaaaybe. I don't know their rationale. But I do know that it's silly to blame the actual defendants for this. They're the ones being sued frivolously, and blame lies squarely with the plaintiffs, as surely as it does for any frivolous lawsuits.
Probably because you butted in on an argument between us and sounded very much like you were defending his arguments. I now see that you had no clue what was actually being discussed and were just bloviating to be argumentative. Mea Culpa.
Although to be as nit-picky as you, I never said you were defending BK.
None of this was disputed. I stated at least twice that, as a matter of principle, I don't think McCain should have produced his birth certificate. I think the privateness of such documents exists for a very good reason, and it's bad precedent that a person should be compelled to turn over such documents for general public perusal.
McCain should have done exactly what Obama has done--have the local authorities take a look and issue a statement verifying the document.
BK provided as his example of why Obama should have to show his birth certificate a situation in which BK is LEGALLY REQUIRED to show it (at the DMV). Since that was HIS example, I asked BK to provide evidence of a President ever being LEGALLY REQUIRED to show his birth certificate. He didn't respond, "that's not what I meant," he answered, "McCain." As has even you've said, this was factually and substantially wrong. McCain was never LEGALLY REQUIRED to produce it, it wasn't even produced in the case by McCain's defense in the Hollander case.
Why should you assume I was defending BK in any way, shape, or form?
Although to be as nit-picky as you, I never said you were defending BK.

Regardless of whatever nonsense he was pulling out of his ass, an underlying theme of the discussion at least was whether McCain was expected by many to present proof positive of his eligibility. Forced by a court with the threat of contempt charges? No. Expected, and pressured? Yes. Expected and pressured to the point of being involuntarily dragged into court over the issue? Yes
McCain should have done exactly what Obama has done--have the local authorities take a look and issue a statement verifying the document.
I should also note that BK never said or suggested that McCain was forced by a court to turn anything over; that was your question to his arguments limited to expectation and pressure, the same expectation and pressure that some here think shouldn't have been applied to Obama, suit or no suit.