Originally posted by Comrade Snuggles
Given the mass numbers of people that still die in the Third World today (over ten million a year) due to the economic structure of the world, one cannot make the argument that ultimately more people were saved as a victory of the United Nations over the Axis.
Given the mass numbers of people that still die in the Third World today (over ten million a year) due to the economic structure of the world, one cannot make the argument that ultimately more people were saved as a victory of the United Nations over the Axis.
Luckily capitalism is here to help. I know that the Gates foundation is pouring tons of money into reducing the effects of disease in the Third World. What have the Communists done for the Third World, aside from giving every 12-year old a Kalashnikov or SKS?
Face the facts, Che. To the Soviets and Red Chinese, the Third World is nothing but a tool to poke the West with. There's as much blood on the hands of your people as there is on anybody else's.