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  • #16
    Originally posted by Lancer

    So I looked but didn't find. She found 3 large bags of stuff. I don't know how they carried it all. Usually I look at strength vs expense as a sort of limit set by gender fizzics, but my confidence is shaken. It appears when it comes to $2.98 dresses, my wife becomes superwoman.
    It's a well known fact that a woman, who is too weak to carry out a single garbage can, is capable of lifting forty times her own weight in newly purchased clothing and an unlimited weight in accessories. No, I don't know what accesssories are, but I do know women must have them!


    • #17
      Thank God my wife is frugal as are most filipinas who have lived in poverty. If she wasn't the car wouldn't go anywhere near the mall. The reason that rich people are poor is because their women are spendy accessories black holes with walk in closets.

      However something tells me I'm preaching to the choir.
      Long time member @ Apolyton
      Civilization player since the dawn of time


      • #18
        I have a few lady friends who were raised in poverty and, having climbed out of it, now really like to spend money...and even spend my money.


        • #19
          Beware pal. In my experience such friendships were often only as deep as my wallet. Thankfully such experiences are in my past.

          One of the things that sent me to the Phils in the first place. However I could very well be wrong, this applys to my experience only.
          Long time member @ Apolyton
          Civilization player since the dawn of time


          • #20
            Originally posted by Lancer
            Beware pal...
            Point well taken.

