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I have come from THE FUTURE with knowledge!

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  • I have come from THE FUTURE with knowledge!

    Greetings primitive earth people of 8:55 PM EST, September the 26th, 2008. I bring you BOLD AND TERRIFYING KNOWLEDGE FROM THE FUTURE!

    In the DISTANT FUTURE of September the 27th, 2008, it is a VERY different world!

    In the DISTANT FUTURE of September the 27th, 2008 the first presidential debate is over. Obama will have handed McCain his ass on a platter by giving meaningful direct answers to questions which discuss policy, while McCain focuses on intangible concepts which have no direct application.

    In the DISTANT FUTURE of September the 27th, 2008, the media will be divided into TWO SEGMENTS! One segment will give analytical analysis of the debate, what was said, who won and who lost. One segment will declare McCain the winner unconditionally, endlessly replay 2 second sound bites, never address actual issues, harp on national security and false patriotism.


    *fades back into the chronostream*

    Also, I need to place an advertisement in my local newspaper, I need help finding someone to travel back in time with me, your safety is not guaranteed!

    I'll be posting my commentary of the debate as it goes on. I'll paraphrase what it said.
    Last edited by Vesayen; September 26, 2008, 21:05.

  • #2
    Question 1: What do you think of the recovery plan, as it is now?

    Obama answer:

    He does not answer the question. He says what HE wants the plan to be. He gives some fairly bland responses about oversight and not screwing the middle class.

    McCain: I want to slap him with a fish. He takes the first 30 seconds of his answer, to waste time, to tell people that Senator Kennedy is sick and that his hearts and minds go out with him. McCain then goes on to say how great it is that people are not being partisan for the current crisis. He does not answer the question, he then goes on to say that the problem needs to be solved with even less specifics with Obama, he harps on non partisanship being good. He then says that the Republicans solved the problem.

    Round 1:
    Obama: 0
    McCain: 0
    Obama gets a slight moral victory for being slightly less overt with his time wasting, but the score remains 0-0.


    • #3
      Question 2: The moderator asked the same question again, slightly reworded.

      Obama: Fails to give an answer responsive to the question.

      McCain: McCain says he will vote for it when it comes out, then rambles about Eisenhower.

      Round 2:
      Obama: 0
      McCain: 1.

      McCains answer sucked but he GAVE an answer to the question. Obamas response was more based in fact, but not responsibe to the question.

      Edit: Gah, I have to go do other stuff, I don't have time to give a play by play.


      • #4
        Obama just said that McCain wants to cut taxes for the rich, which is insane.

        McCain defended this by saying he wants to make taxes in the U.S. so low that we attract foreign buisnesses, in some even more insane race to the bottom.


        • #5
          CNN has an even more insane graph on the bottom, like a polygraph, showing the "reaction" of the audience fo republicans, democrats or independance. Huh?


          • #6
            McCain just suggested we freeze spending on all things except "entitlements, veteran benifits and defense".


            • #7
              You made it further through the debate than I did... you must have an iron stomach. (I disagree with your scoring to this point... it should be -2 to -1.5... I don't care which way.)


              • #8
                I made a Vesayen-free thread to discuss the debate.
                "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                • #9
                  This is the worst debate I have seen. If I was a college professor and grading their essay, I would fail them both with a hard F, for failing to give answers reflecting the question.

                  McCain keeps harping on supporting veterans for some odd reason, since he always voted against funding them properly and then made some comment about being against our HUGE spending.

                  Then Obama pointed out that McCain said he supported Bush 90% of the time.

                  McCain responds by telling the single longest list of lies on his voting record I've ever heard.

