When people vote Republican I want to throw my hands up the air in frustration and yell at the top of my lungs "HOW STUPID ARE YOU?" This applies to 9 and a half out of 10 Republicans, some of them vote Republican based on the issues. However immediatly after doing that, I want to throw my hands up in the air in frustration AGAIN and yell "VOTERS-HOW STUPID ARE YOU?". This applies to 9 and nine tenths of every voter, because NONE of the voters vote based on ACTUAL knowledge of the issues.
Political inactivity, combinend with general ignorance, combined with corporate interestests controllingn the media who are activley trying to trick the American people, combined with a HUGE heaping of apathy, has killed democracy in America.
I am not questioning the value of democracy or demanding anything as absurd as a change in the government, but I think I've lost faith in democracy in America. The winner is the one who is able to gerry mander the best, use the media to trick people into voting them, best manipulate the system and in every way distract voters from actual issues, on both sides of the party line, this goes from the local town level all the way up to the executive.
I could spend every waking moment trying to inform people of the ACTUAL issues and educating them on them and i'd never make a dent because I have no effective way to reach the masses. The only way anyone can is via the media or the internet. The media is not an option because they are either controlled by corporate interests who want to influence people, or because they are selling news as entertainment and fear to discuss complex political issues beyond "Fire bad, candy good". Informing people via the internet requires people actually go look for information, most people do not dig at all.
It is frustrating to see how ignorant the masses are of the actual issues and know I can do nothing to change this and that no one is making a real effort to do so. I've thought about how this might be done and come up blank for years but I had this idea 2 years ago.
I have ONE idea which I think may help, but it would require a lot of money from either a group which is apolitical or a single apolitical individual funding it. It is far more likely you can get a single wealthy person who will be neutral in politics, then a wealthy group.
This is the idea. Hire an author, a group of authors and others who you will need to write a book which explains the basics of the constitution and how our government works in a simple, entertaining, interesting and easy to understand manner. Some computer/web friendly format would be made at the same time, to help foster discussion and to provide additional information for those who look for it. The key here is simplicity, it has to be as simple as possible so the average American will actually read it. It also needs to be entertaining so people will actually read it. Also explain some of the big concerns we face today as a nation. Then print enough copies of this book to mail to every home in the country.
A media campaign would be launched at the same time, talk show hosts discussing it, commercials etc, to encourage people to actually read it.
A web infrastructure would also be financed at the same time with a large staff, essentially a "how to run for local office" support network, helpinng anyone who wants to run for local political office, run for office. The idea is that a fresh infusion of Americans into local government will make the entire country more politically active, more interested in the issues and more informed. It may also help prevent gerry mandering as an informed public would never allow it to happen. The effect would be cumulative. It is an expensive undertaking but not beyond the grips of some of the ultra wealthy. Some of them make substantial contributions to charities, substantial enough to pay for something like this.
In the (very) unlikely event I ever become ultra rich, I would finance this myself.
I see American democracy as dead because the populace is not informed, is apathetic and is activley being deceived, does anyone else have any other plans to remedy the problem, no matter how outlandish? They can be outlandish, as long as they are within the realm of possibility.
Political inactivity, combinend with general ignorance, combined with corporate interestests controllingn the media who are activley trying to trick the American people, combined with a HUGE heaping of apathy, has killed democracy in America.
I am not questioning the value of democracy or demanding anything as absurd as a change in the government, but I think I've lost faith in democracy in America. The winner is the one who is able to gerry mander the best, use the media to trick people into voting them, best manipulate the system and in every way distract voters from actual issues, on both sides of the party line, this goes from the local town level all the way up to the executive.
I could spend every waking moment trying to inform people of the ACTUAL issues and educating them on them and i'd never make a dent because I have no effective way to reach the masses. The only way anyone can is via the media or the internet. The media is not an option because they are either controlled by corporate interests who want to influence people, or because they are selling news as entertainment and fear to discuss complex political issues beyond "Fire bad, candy good". Informing people via the internet requires people actually go look for information, most people do not dig at all.
It is frustrating to see how ignorant the masses are of the actual issues and know I can do nothing to change this and that no one is making a real effort to do so. I've thought about how this might be done and come up blank for years but I had this idea 2 years ago.
I have ONE idea which I think may help, but it would require a lot of money from either a group which is apolitical or a single apolitical individual funding it. It is far more likely you can get a single wealthy person who will be neutral in politics, then a wealthy group.
This is the idea. Hire an author, a group of authors and others who you will need to write a book which explains the basics of the constitution and how our government works in a simple, entertaining, interesting and easy to understand manner. Some computer/web friendly format would be made at the same time, to help foster discussion and to provide additional information for those who look for it. The key here is simplicity, it has to be as simple as possible so the average American will actually read it. It also needs to be entertaining so people will actually read it. Also explain some of the big concerns we face today as a nation. Then print enough copies of this book to mail to every home in the country.
A media campaign would be launched at the same time, talk show hosts discussing it, commercials etc, to encourage people to actually read it.
A web infrastructure would also be financed at the same time with a large staff, essentially a "how to run for local office" support network, helpinng anyone who wants to run for local political office, run for office. The idea is that a fresh infusion of Americans into local government will make the entire country more politically active, more interested in the issues and more informed. It may also help prevent gerry mandering as an informed public would never allow it to happen. The effect would be cumulative. It is an expensive undertaking but not beyond the grips of some of the ultra wealthy. Some of them make substantial contributions to charities, substantial enough to pay for something like this.
In the (very) unlikely event I ever become ultra rich, I would finance this myself.
I see American democracy as dead because the populace is not informed, is apathetic and is activley being deceived, does anyone else have any other plans to remedy the problem, no matter how outlandish? They can be outlandish, as long as they are within the realm of possibility.