Once McCain added Palin to the ticket, he is no longer the candidate of experience, but he now claims to be the candidate of change.
A Repug pundit this morning even opined that Obama's proposed "change" is now old school and that McCain is the only true candidate for change.
Okay, what does McCain want to change?
Tax cuts for the wealthy?
Our war in Iraq?
Our go-it-alone foreign policy?
Our ignore-the-mortgage-crisis policy?
Our ignore-the-credit-crisis policy?
Our education policy?
Our Iranian policy?
Our Israeli policy?
Lobbyists controlling legislation?
Environmental protections?
I know he's said he wants to diversify our energy policy, but he's missed all eight votes this year on alternative energy, and Palin vetoed programs for clean coal and wind power.
So tell me .... where's the change?
Okay, what does McCain want to change?
Tax cuts for the wealthy?
Our war in Iraq?
Our go-it-alone foreign policy?
Our ignore-the-mortgage-crisis policy?
Our ignore-the-credit-crisis policy?
Our education policy?
Our Iranian policy?
Our Israeli policy?
Lobbyists controlling legislation?
Environmental protections?
I know he's said he wants to diversify our energy policy, but he's missed all eight votes this year on alternative energy, and Palin vetoed programs for clean coal and wind power.
So tell me .... where's the change?