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  • The rocks pic with the space alien skull. Don't tell me you missed it.
    Long time member @ Apolyton
    Civilization player since the dawn of time


    • Just how many realities are you building this house in? Was there a sale on quantum or something?


      • I found I could save money building it in 2 dimentions and then doing a transfer into the third. Alot of space at no additional charge.
        Long time member @ Apolyton
        Civilization player since the dawn of time


        • Lancer (Grandpa Troll & anyone else who wants to chime in). What do you think of the following idea for a breach cottage.

          [This isn't the house I've been talking about on the river property, but a small cottage, just down the beach from Chez Lancer.]

          The cottage is built right on the seawall. The sea wall extends up and its upper lip form the first-floor window sill. Then, just above the first-floor windows, the wall curves out to form the floor of the outer one meter of a two-meter, second-floor balcony. (Not shown here is a rooftop garden with a flying roof above the second floor.)

          The cottage will shake during the July storms, but that will be part of its personality. I'm more worried about an unsurge of a wave damaging the outer portion of the balcony. But I figure between the reinforced-concrete construction, the curve of the wall, the weight of the balcony and of the rooftop garden, and with only one meter of exposure, things should be okay.

          What sayeth thou?
          Attached Files
          Last edited by Zkribbler; October 13, 2008, 16:18.


          • If you want it to show save it as a .gif or .jpg (MS paint can do either) instead of .bmp.


            • Thanks, Aeson.


              • So on top of the seawall you have a meter high wall and that forms the sill of the windows?

                Thing with the wall is that it needs the weight of tons of whatever behind it. That was one thing that was made clear to me. The less time the wall stood without material behind, the better. So above the window you're going to need a tie beam to support an outward curving wall?

                All these things can be done. Would want to put extra metal bar and maybe a thicker cement pour into the seawall. Anything that happens to your seawall happens to your cottage, so it should be strong.

                So too to your flying roof. If its right on the ocean its going to get full on storms a few times a year, mostly June/July. That's one of the reasons I set my place back a bit, added protection for the fiberglass panels. Consider though that you really don't need a flying roof to have a roof garden. Or alternately we could support the heck out of the panels with alot of extra attach points. That would keep them from flexing too much in the storms...I think.

                Sounds neat though to be right up over the ocean, worth the extra effort I think.
                Long time member @ Apolyton
                Civilization player since the dawn of time


                • Long time member @ Apolyton
                  Civilization player since the dawn of time


                  • In the above pic, the far part of the wall has the curved metal bar of the splash guard (waver) that throws the waves out, under the cap for the wall. That cap forms the wall into a T beam which makes it very strong. This would be the floor of your cottage. The one meter high wall, of which in this pic you can only see the metal bars protruding from the cap, would be a portion of your wall upon which the windows would sit.
                    Long time member @ Apolyton
                    Civilization player since the dawn of time


                    • I must admit I had not considered the possiblity of a wave overtopping the fill behind the seawall. That'd be just plain nasty.

                      All of my designs have incorporated your brilliant idea of a flying roof. That and cross-ventilation for the sea breezes. They form natural cooling elements, essential for the tropics.


                      • Nothing like those sea breezes.

                        The worry while we were building the wall is that seawater would get in behind it and undermine it. Also that a wave hitting the wall would tend to push it back without all the fill behind to counter it.

                        Your windows on top of the deal are a neat idea. That's going to be a source of a near constant cooling breeze.
                        Long time member @ Apolyton
                        Civilization player since the dawn of time


                        • I guess we better get a new one of these made, over 500 posts.
                          Long time member @ Apolyton
                          Civilization player since the dawn of time


                          • Originally posted by Lancer
                            I guess we better get a new one of these made, over 500 posts.
                            Yep... sounds like a good idea.
                            Keep on Civin'
                            RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O

