Read about this in the WaPo today. First she says she did it, then that she faked it, and now, apparently, that she actually did it but can't be sure she was preggers. Artificial insemination costs money, of course, but who knows what a Yale art major considers a wise investment? The reality of the exhibit is of secondary concern to me, given the number of abortions in America every day.
What I wonder is, what's up with this chick? Was she looking for notoriety or a book deal, or did she live in enough of a bubble to think this would be just another weird art project? Does she already have a plan to check her mail for letter bombs and track down all the death threats she might get? Most of all, I wonder: WTF?
Explanation for those who can't be arsed to read: this Yale art student supposedly spent several months getting artificially inseminated while taking abortifacients, and turning the resulting miscarriages into material for an art project (including, apparently, a plastic cube full of blood and vaseline, plus some video footage).
Linked to in the article, but I thought I'd direct-link too. It's WTF-tastic. She's a PoMo, of course...