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April Fools 2008: OTCast Episode 01 -- "A Bit Chippy"

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  • Originally posted by Wezil
    So now for the important question:

    What will be the topic?

    Something positive about our OT community should be included. I felt a bias against it crept into this current production. The bit about imaginative titles was excellent though.

    Going in depth into imaginative posts would be good too as well as a set time and invitation to participate during the taping in a thread for the purpose. It could be made days in advance, addressed early and checked several times during the show for listener responses to cast comments.

    The host would hopefully be careful not to go the other way in his show. We've now heard the mods and what is to be expected from them right down to the superior disinterest of having a hundred threads and nothing to talk about. A new program might avoid the flamers and negative fringe mods and focus on the people who enjoy the place with maybe a flamer segment to keep everyone happy as well as being a counter to the obvious bias of this show.
    Long time member @ Apolyton
    Civilization player since the dawn of time


    • Why Lancer, you sound like a volunteer to be a host.
      (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


      • DQ asked me to be but I was unavailable because of the move and no skype phone. Now I have a Skype phone from Wal Mart I bought a couple days ago but it's not what has been described in other threads as needed. I've got a big '9 months and out' campaign within the family here for frugality so I can hardly dump hundreds into one and still cry thrift.

        It's a problem.

        I can't even play Civ IV on this stinkin comp but now I can't buy a new one. Still, the extra $ saved will come in handy there. In 9 months.
        Last edited by Lancer; April 4, 2008, 01:47.
        Long time member @ Apolyton
        Civilization player since the dawn of time


        • I used a $5 headset.

          Blame me, and my hacking cough, for the 20 hours of editiing.
          (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


          • What did you think of your voice on the recording, was it accurately portrayed?
            Last edited by Lancer; April 4, 2008, 02:14.
            Long time member @ Apolyton
            Civilization player since the dawn of time


            • Originally posted by Asher
              Can you name one opportunity I've been given to do something?
              How about this very thread? I gave you the opportunity to, with according to yourself very little effort, help us shave apparently ~15 hours a week from our PolyCast production time, which would give us a crapload more time to do other things like the forum upgrade and all the other things you've been telling us for ages we should be doing.

              Now you can proof once and for all that you're NOT just full of it and not just a BS troll that does nothing but throw around insults, cast aspersions and spread bold-faced lies on valuable members of our community. But as always, you refuse to, because, you ARE in fact full of it and don't have the slightest clue of what we're talking about here (or in any of the other hundreds of threads in which you told us we were completely incompetent and you know soooo much better about everything even though you've never provided a shred of evidence to back that up).

              Originally posted by Asher
              Locutus -- BTW, this is why I'm not volunteering my time. If you think Ming is being a dick now, you should see him via PM. I have had more reasonable discussions with CivNation.
              Ah, yes, excuse #453, you do like using that one a lot, don't you? Too bad that I'm a staff member and actually HAVE access to a lot of the communication you've had with Ming and other staff members, so I'm afraid that one won't fly with me. Of course, you have about 900 other excuses, a good number of which you've already used in this thread, so I have no doubt you'll find another one to use instead...

              Originally posted by Wiglaf
              Seems like it'd be easy enough as LS said for the staff to try out Teamspeak once and see what happens.
              Ah, another moron that's either stupid enough to believe Asher's BS or willing to play along with it...

              If you'd actually bother to read the thread without prejudice you'd see that I pointed out before that (a) we don't even USE VoIP to record the sound, we circumvent the issue entirely by capturing the sound input straight from the mics and run that through post-production filters that are far better than anything ANY VoIP application can do on-the-fly -- it's still not good enough. And (b) any idiot can Google this issue and see that there are dozens of reviews from people that have actually DONE this stuff that say TeamSpeak is not as good as Skype when it comes to recording podcasts -- and I provided links to two such reviews by experienced and established audio experts that have actually proven over and over and over that they actually know what they're talking about.

              If you still think Asher must be onto something just because he himself says so, then you are indeed quite the moron and I'm afraid I can't help you.

              Now, if anyone wants to seriously discuss doing an OTCast (whether using Skype, TeamSpeak or anything else, we really don't care if you can make it work (with our help if you want it)) we're open to the idea, but any further trolls and unconstructive comments will only get this thread closed.
              Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


              • Originally posted by DrSpike
                I'd do it if someone else did the technical work. It seems Asher believes that is pretty easy, but others disagree. I'm not sure who to believe to be honest.
                Well, you can always try it Asher's way first (lord knows he won't), and if it turns out that that doesn't work well enough you can always see if you can find some people willing to edit the show (or maybe you'll be willing to live with the poor quality and can find a place to host it -- I can give you some recommendations if we can't work things out ourselves). As a Dutch saying goes: if you don't shoot, you can't score...
                Last edited by Locutus; April 4, 2008, 06:20.
                Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                • Originally posted by Asher
                  What is so ****ing difficult?

                  1) I will not do all of the recording for you, though you know damn well you wouldn't let me anyway
                  2) I will show you guys how to do it and help you

                  This is called volunteering to help, but not volunteering to do.

                  I'll play your stupid game.

                  I will host, record, and edit your next podcast.

                  We're recording Friday night, 10pm EST. Put up or shut up.

                  I'll PM you the teamspeak settings.
                  See that, fellow posters, I called Ming's bluff.

                  Now we know who the liar was.
                  No... it just proved that you realized you were in the wrong and had to actually volunteer to do something or continue looking like the liar you were

                  Just more proof...
                  Keep on Civin'
                  RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                  • Originally posted by Ming
                    No... it just proved that you realized you were in the wrong and had to actually volunteer to do something or continue looking like the liar you were

                    Just more proof...
                    I have volunteered to help you. DanQ has told me many times there's no chance of me be on PolyCast so I'm not sure why you're expecting me to volunteer to be on PolyCast.

                    So I have volunteered to walk you through the apparently-complex task of trying better software, but you still are incapable of reading that.

                    Locutus calling Wiglaf a moron even though Wiglaf didn't say anything remotely offensive, though, that's just classic hypocritical Poly admin.

                    You guys are the biggest dickwads on this site, but in public you typically put on a sarcastic smile like you've done here. Your true colors show via PM, and in Locutus' instance, he let it slip here.

                    He can apologize to Wiglaf publicly if he wants to make amends...
                    "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                    Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                    • And I am quite serious, 10pm tonight, official PolyCast recording. If I'm going to be doing this you guys are going to fit it to my schedule.

                      If you guys want to provide a list of topics that's fine, or I'll make 'em up as I go along.

                      If I do this, you need to promise me that you will actually host this thing so I'm not wasting my time. Capiche?
                      "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                      Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                      • Originally posted by Asher

                        You guys are the biggest dickwads on this site, but in public you typically put on a sarcastic smile like you've done here. Your true colors show via PM, and in Locutus' instance, he let it slip here.

                        He can apologize to Wiglaf publicly if he wants to make amends...
                        Maybe some body would be willing to apologize to you or Wiglaf if you both first apologize for all the insults you have dished out in the past. But no... as usual, you demand of others something you would never consider for yourself.
                        Pretty typical for you.

                        Enjoy... at least smart people can see your act for what it is.
                        Keep on Civin'
                        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                        • Originally posted by Ming

                          Maybe some body would be willing to apologize to you or Wiglaf if you both first apologize for all the insults you have dished out in the past. But no... as usual, you demand of others something you would never consider for yourself.
                          Pretty typical for you.

                          Enjoy... at least smart people can see your act for what it is.
                          Wiglaf has done nothing even close to being borderline rude/wrong in this thread and an administrator/co-owner of this site has blatantly insulted him. You guys have no concept of responsible leadership and administration.

                          If you don't see why the insult to Wiglaf warrants an apology, this just furthers the points I've been making over the years. And more and more people can see it now.

                          Thanks Ming.

                          Are you going to call in to my PolyCast tonight? "Put up or shut up" and all that.
                          "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                          Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                          • Originally posted by Asher
                            Wiglaf has done nothing even close to being borderline rude/wrong in this thread and an administrator of this site has blatantly insulted him.

                            If you don't see why that warrants an apology, this just furthers the points I've been making over the years. And more and more people can see it now.

                            Thanks Ming.

                            Are you going to call in to my PolyCast tonight? "Put up or shut up" and all that.
                            First... Wiglaf insults people across the site. But it's typical for you to ignore such a simple reality.

                            And as far as your oh so gracious offer... also pretty typical of you. Not an offer to help with the next pod cast... but a demand to do one with less than 24 hour lead time, and at a time not very appropriate for anybody outside the US. There is no list of people in place or an idea of subject matter... so of course, you know it's not even possible, but you think you can now stand back and say "I offered"... The nature of your offer shows your true colors, or proves you have no clue on how much time it takes to set one up.
                            But again, a self centered demand and not really a true offer.

                            Your game is obvious to the smart posters... Enjoy.
                            Keep on Civin'
                            RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                            • Originally posted by Lancer

                              What did you think of your voice on the recording, was it accurately portrayed?
                              My voice sounds nothing like I think it does, but the same as when I've heard it recorded before.

                              I was quite impressed with what Dan put together. Believe me, there was a lot of editing.
                              (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                              • Yeah, I think the extra hours needed for ediiting this one was due to what we gave him to work with.

                                And Asher, I too find that time inconvienent at such short notice, otherwise I'd have been happy to join in with you as the host. I'm sure it would have been entertaining, and I would have taken pity on anyone that would have to clean up my language in editing.

                                I have seen the time distortion when I was doing TV work. It would take us 7 hours or longer to shoot a 10 minute spot and then even longer in the editing room.

                                Granted polycast doesn't need the same level of detail that we were working with and I'm sure those 15 hour comments are slightly exagerated, but I'm not surprised to see those types of estimates thrown around.
                                It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                                RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O

