Originally posted by Jon Miller
In my defense, Blakes posts are a bit hippy and I was trying to be funny.
In my defense, Blakes posts are a bit hippy and I was trying to be funny.
Depending on how old you are, you might expect to have some 100,000-400,000 waking hours ahead of you in this life time (you might have less)
An hour of wisdom now, makes every subsequent hour a better one...
Just like an hour of doing something mindless like watching TV, does nothing for your future...
And an hour of mental torture makes every subsequent hour hour less pleasant (ie depression)...
"I'd rather spend an hour watching TV, than spending an hour on a Dhamma Talk", that is a big gamble... especially if you've never even heard a Buddhist Dhamma Talk by a western Monk before. You don't even know if it's the kind of thing you enjoy or not!
I have this thing called "Compassion" where I wish for the suffering of other living beings to diminish, there's a whole lot of things I could talk about, but one is far more compassionate than any other - encouraging people I care about to take the time to listen to Ajahn Brahm (who has been described as a fantastic speaker, the Elvis Presley of Buddhism, a Comedian, "the kind of guy I'd like to have as an Uncle", and more) and get some new perspectives on life and their problems in life
It beats mindlessness...
Desire, by Ajahn Brahm
"Hear first hand how our favourite monk was sitting on the beach between bikini wearing seventeen year old beauties before going to prison ..."
Come on, doesn't that sound the least bit intriguing?