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Advice neeed: Layoff

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  • Advice neeed: Layoff

    Hi all,

    I am very sorry for disturbing all you with a personal problem, but most likely (99,99%) I will be part of a layoff in the local installation of company I belong to. My heart is somehow broken because I have spend such a big amount of extra time in the company, trying to give the better that I could (not much, but I tried) - working so many weekends... And now I need to wait until they execute the layoff, because if I move earlier, I will lose the compensation money that the Spanish law provides (that will be at least 1/3 of my annual income and probably a whole-year salary). This "waiting" period will, most likely, last for some months. I have been told that I can do whatever I want, as I will not have any more work in one or two weeks.

    Have you ever been in this situation? What did you did in your work? How did you recover (emotionally) from this?

    Thanks a lot in advance for your answers!
    Trying to rehabilitateh and contribuing again to the civ-community

  • #2
    well, i dont know if this will help, yaroslav, but I have been laid off before, as well as quit and gotton fired. Also, as a mater of fact, i am on very rocky ground with my current employer and am even lucky to still be there. There is one big difference here though between my situation and yours...

    I am a grimy player raised str8 on the streets who is trying to turn his life around with virtually no skills or training. I dropped out of college... several times. You have a trade and skills and a solid resume. I doubt it will take you long to find work again. I dont think i understand the "waiting for 3 months" thing, but as long as you have bank and a foundation then it cant be that bad...?

    i know that losing your job is depressing but again since you have a trade/skills this is all a mental issue here. I am in an actual physical rocky situation.

    hope this brings some clarity, not to sound harsh, but remember there is always someone off worse
    Order of the Fly
    Those that cannot curse, cannot heal.


    • #3
      Take some time off, relax, take a vacation, maybe get some training in something useful that you've wanted training in but couldn't afford (like MSCE or the equivalent for your career path if you don't have that already); then after a month or so, start looking again for a new job.

      Make sure you get references from your current employer, they're typically happy to give them for folks that are good workers - odds are the direct management feel very bad about having to lay off folks, and will give you a glowing reference if you ask.

      Ultimately remember that you are more than your job, and if your employer doesn't want you any more, that's too bad for them, as there are plenty of employers but only one you
      <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
      I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


      • #4
        Thanks AAHZ. Please accept my apologies if I did offend you. I understand that I am very fortunate, if not for anything, for having food to eat, which is not something that everyone can say.

        Regarding the "waiting for 2/3 months". Spanish law is so that if your employer fires you without a good reason (ie, you did a very bad job, stole something or thing like these), you are paid between 30 and 45 days per year that you have worker for that employer. If there is a massive layoff, the amount of money to pay to all the employees is even bigger. So if I do not want to lose the money I need to wait for 2-3 months until the finally execute the layoff and I get the money - otherwise, I will leave with no compensation. These 2-3 months will be 2-3 months sitting idle at a desk, something that never happened to me.

        Again, my apologies if I sound like someone who lives in a ivory tower and is complaining without reason.
        Trying to rehabilitateh and contribuing again to the civ-community


        • #5
          Well, if you are sitting idle at a desk, at least you can post on Poly, right? Catch up on your training or something that you can do legitimately at work... and it will be even better since you're working for your own benefit now and not for someone else's profit.
          <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
          I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


          • #6
            About 3 years ago, I lost my job in a "reorganization" after 20 years with my company. I was in management, at the director level, and there was no hint or warning.

            It's a lot like losing a loved one or pet. There will be a period of grieving. It's to be expected, and it will pass. The important thing is to capture everything that might help you win future employment -- letters of reference, positive evaluations, contact information of managers/clients/vendors, etc. Update your CV while everything is fresh in your mind.

            The severence compensation sounds very generous. (Mine was very good as well.) This is actually a good opportunity to evaluate your career and future path.

            BTW, whst kind of work do you do, yaroslav?
            Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
            RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


            • #7
              Regarding the "waiting for 2/3 months". Spanish law is so that if your employer fires you without a good reason (ie, you did a very bad job, stole something or thing like these), you are paid between 30 and 45 days per year that you have worker for that employer. If there is a massive layoff, the amount of money to pay to all the employees is even bigger. So if I do not want to lose the money I need to wait for 2-3 months until the finally execute the layoff and I get the money - otherwise, I will leave with no compensation. These 2-3 months will be 2-3 months sitting idle at a desk, something that never happened to me.

              You would get paid to sit at a desk and do nothing? And there is something wrong with that?
              You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


              • #8
                Originally posted by snoopy369
                Take some time off, relax, take a vacation, maybe get some training in something useful that you've wanted training in but couldn't afford (like MSCE or the equivalent for your career path if you don't have that already); then after a month or so, start looking again for a new job.

                Make sure you get references from your current employer, they're typically happy to give them for folks that are good workers - odds are the direct management feel very bad about having to lay off folks, and will give you a glowing reference if you ask.

                Ultimately remember that you are more than your job, and if your employer doesn't want you any more, that's too bad for them, as there are plenty of employers but only one you
                Thanks for the good advice snoopy369 and for your kind words I am not really worried about finding another job, I guess I will do it quickly. I am mad because of the effort we put in the projects we worked on and now they fire us only because that way the shares will go up (there is no other reason)
                Trying to rehabilitateh and contribuing again to the civ-community


                • #9
                  oh, its ok yaroslav, you did not offend me at all

                  i know my tone at times can sound harsh, in fact my temper is the very thing my current job is very upset with me about at the moment. I can sound rude when i am in fact not trying to be, just because the "survival instinct" has never, and probably will never, leave my brain or my mannerisms. Good luck in your endeavor and would love to hear updates! I have a similar thread about this, my own situation, on another board (guess which one...)

                  Also Snoopy's advice is good one, i will probably heed it myself
                  Order of the Fly
                  Those that cannot curse, cannot heal.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Krill
                    You would get paid to sit at a desk and do nothing? And there is something wrong with that?
                    If you've never done this, don't say that until you have... try working as Security for a company or something, but not one where you interact much with people, just sitting outside a door that nobody ever goes through at 1am or something.

                    Google "Bill James STATS" and you'll see one of the potential outcomes of this, by the way ...
                    <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
                    I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


                    • #11
                      Well, good luck getting training if you can find some to do in the 2-3 months cooldown time it is always a good idea to get some training, but having some time to relax and recooperate is a good idea as well
                      You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


                      • #12
                        *shrug* depends on the wage, but yeah, I can do that Snoop. Been there done that. Plan on doing it agian over the summer tbh.
                        You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


                        • #13
                          If I remember correctly you do some computer related stuff. If media are to be believed (and I think that on this issue they are) there is a serious shortage of us in Europe, so you will probably have no problems finding a new job.

                          In fact, given that Spain is in the EU, you might consider moving to France or something.

                          Here is what I did when I had absolutely nothing to do at work (that was rare, but happened):

                          1) I would read something work related. Like, we worked on IBM systems and I would read the OS manual. Also has good phrases to pick up girls.

                          2) I would read something work unrelated, but related to my skills. A programming forum, perhaps, or something about databases. You can never know too much about Oracle.

                          3) I would try to explore a part of the system that was never part of my assignments, but interested me, or do a short program to test something that always "itched" me.

                          I try to do something remotely related to something useful. I never surf newspapers or forums when at work.


                          • #14
                            Re: Advice neeed: Layoff

                            Originally posted by yaroslav
                            Hi all,

                            I am very sorry for disturbing all you with a personal problem, but most likely (99,99%) I will be part of a layoff in the local installation of company I belong to. My heart is somehow broken because I have spend such a big amount of extra time in the company, trying to give the better that I could (not much, but I tried) - working so many weekends... And now I need to wait until they execute the layoff, because if I move earlier, I will lose the compensation money that the Spanish law provides (that will be at least 1/3 of my annual income and probably a whole-year salary). This "waiting" period will, most likely, last for some months. I have been told that I can do whatever I want, as I will not have any more work in one or two weeks.

                            Have you ever been in this situation? What did you did in your work? How did you recover (emotionally) from this?

                            Thanks a lot in advance for your answers!

                            I was a [art of a defense contractor layoff from a job where I had been 12 years. It felt like a lot of family had died.
                            This would be a good time to evaluate if this is the field in which you want to stay, or make a change.
                            Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
                            "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
                            He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by VetLegion
                              If I remember correctly you do some computer related stuff. If media are to be believed (and I think that on this issue they are) there is a serious shortage of us in Europe, so you will probably have no problems finding a new job.

                              In fact, given that Spain is in the EU, you might consider moving to France or something.
                              Thanks for the tip. I would prefer to try to get a job in Spain first, though. If not, then I would try to move to England/Germany.

                              Here is what I did when I had absolutely nothing to do at work (that was rare, but happened):

                              1) I would read something work related. Like, we worked on IBM systems and I would read the OS manual. Also has good phrases to pick up girls.

                              2) I would read something work unrelated, but related to my skills. A programming forum, perhaps, or something about databases. You can never know too much about Oracle.

                              3) I would try to explore a part of the system that was never part of my assignments, but interested me, or do a short program to test something that always "itched" me.

                              I try to do something remotely related to something useful. I never surf newspapers or forums when at work.
                              Thanks a lot. I am planning to learning some new languages and to do some programming, but this is a good checkout list. Thanks a ton!
                              Trying to rehabilitateh and contribuing again to the civ-community

