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HELP! I'm Itchy!

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  • HELP! I'm Itchy!

    ok so over an hour ago i woke up itching all over!! i tried ignoring it and going back to sleep. whenever i get itchy, i just ignore it and it goes away after 30 seconds or less. this itch was all over my body. i turned the lights on and there was nothing in my bed. then i thought it could be flees because my two youngest sisters slept in my bed last night cuz my parents were fighting, but there are no flee bites.
    so then i started scratching a little to make it stop, then i was scratching a lot to make it stop but it didn't help. then i hear my sister next door freaking talking to herself at 2:18am so i grabbed a towel and touched her door to tell her to stop talking to herself, and she screamed since i scared her.
    then i showered and thoroughly scrubbed my body and turned the water so hot my skin was red [[i never do that either]]. so that helped for about 3 minutes. i put a shirt and shorts on and went to my parents room because i could not fall back asleep.
    my mom gets out of bed and gives me this benadryl or whatever to rub all over my body. so i do that and it kind of helps. then she tells me to go back to bed. so i took the bottle with me, put a towel on my bed since i'm washing my sheets even though i washed them last weekend. then i read the bottle and it said it expired 03/2006! and then i came down here in the kitchen to try to fall asleep on the couch.

    also, this last half is an EDIT because i accidentally hit Tab+Space when i was typing this.

    now i'm itching like crazy and can't fall asleep and it's 330 here. help plz.

  • #2
    I don't know why he saved my life. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life - anybody's life, my life. All he'd wanted were the same answers the rest of us want. Where did I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All I could do was sit there and watch him die.


    • #3
      Skin disease maybe,
      like Neurodermitis or dry skin.

      Try to avoid scratching as this would make matters worse (due to the Histamines released)
      Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
      Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


      • #4
        Allergy maybe?


        • #5
          no, it's not a rash, and my skin is not dry and there is nothing wrong that one can see by looking at it.

          i was at a friend's house all day for a fantasy football party but i didn't eat anything i hadn't before or rub on anything since i was wearing jeans and a hoodie.

          oh also the benadryl said not to rub over large areas of the body.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Proteus_MST
            Skin disease maybe,
            like Neurodermitis or dry skin.

            Try to avoid scratching as this would make matters worse (due to the Histamines released)
            oh no i don't want a disease

            my skin isn't dry at all. i put lotion on my legs yesterday, as i do about every other day. [[just my legs cuz they're the only part that ever get dry]]

            and i haven't scratched since 3:24. not even touched anything!


            • #7
              i'm lying on a towel and that kind of helps whatever part of me is on it, but i can't stop being itchy. and no one is online to chat with on any of my buddy lists so i have nothing to do.

              oh God, make the itching stop!


              • #8
                Have you been in or around any bushes lately? It could be poison oak or poison sumac. It's a bit late in the season, usually the frost kills the leaves, but the oil from those leaves can last a long time. In 1998 I hiked the John Muir Trail in the high Sierras during the early spring and one day I sat on a fallen log in shorts to eat my lunch. A couple hours later the backs of my calves had one of the worst poison oak outbreaks of my life. I can only guess that last summer it was covered in poison oak, that the plant died during the winter snows, but that the oil had soaked into the wood so it was still there when I sat on it.
                Try for discussion and debate.


                • #9
                  Got any fish oil? Flax seed oil? If not, tomorrow go out and buy these oils. They're horse pills but the oil works it's way through your system and protects your skin. Also, try a soap that adds moisture. Dove, that sort of thing. Lastly, if you can't abstain then don't have unprotected sex. Herpes is common and can make you itch. Likely you just touched the wrong plant or ate something that did it.

                  For immediate relief take an oily hair conditioner, rub it where it itches and then just rinse the area with cool water to remove the excess. Use a towel and pat dry.

                  If that doesn't work try alcohol, not the kind you drink. Try this last as it can dry out your skin.

                  If you get relief from any of this and start scratching, it will come back just as bad. Once you've taken those oils for a week all will be well. I hope.
                  Long time member @ Apolyton
                  Civilization player since the dawn of time


                  • #10
                    no, i haven't touched or been near any bushes. it was pretty blizzardy today, so there was snow every. i was covered up when i was in it, aside from my face, but my face is not itchy.

                    eww. i've never had poison oak. just poison ivy when i was 8. i didn't feel like walking the long way home after my soccer game, so i took a shortcut. the long way home was about a mile and the shortcut would have made it about 0.9 miles. i never took that short cut again.

                    i kind of want to sleep because i have a lot of places i have to go to tomorrow, but i'm not tired. i'd plan to take a nap, but i have church at 800, somewhere to go at 1000, an appointment at 1245, class at 1430, then i'm leaving for fredonia [[which is about an hour away]] for a sister's hockey game right after dinner. oh and i my blanket, mattress, and pillow covers have about an hour left in the dryer.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Lancer
                      Got any fish oil? Flax seed oil? If not, tomorrow go out and buy these oils. They're horse pills but the oil works it's way through your system and protects your skin. Also, try a soap that adds moisture. Dove, that sort of thing. Lastly, if you can't abstain then don't have unprotected sex. Herpes is common and can make you itch. Likely you just touched the wrong plant or ate something that did it.

                      For immediate relief take an oily hair conditioner, rub it where it itches and then just rinse the area with cool water to remove the excess. Use a towel and pat dry.

                      If that doesn't work try alcohol, not the kind you drink. Try this last as it can dry out your skin.

                      If you get relief from any of this and start scratching, it will come back just as bad. Once you've taken those oils for a week all will be well. I hope.
                      oily hair conditioner? like just the kind i use in the shower? i never considered it oily. i will try that now though. i don't think we have any alcohol at all in this house.

                      i don't have herpes, and haven't had sex in over a month. although my appointment tomorrow is getting checked for STDs so i'll let you know.


                      • #12
                        Sounds like dry skin then. Put lotion on it and drink more water.
                        Try for discussion and debate.


                        • #13
                          Some conditioners are oily, the ones for dry scalps. Some are not, the ones for oily hair.

                          I don't really need the details of your check up
                          Long time member @ Apolyton
                          Civilization player since the dawn of time


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Oerdin
                            Sounds like dry skin then. Put lotion on it and drink more water.
                            my skin is so not dry. this winter it's been the least dry ever. but i will try that after the conditioner thing.

                            Originally posted by Lancer
                            Some conditioners are oily, the ones for dry scalps. Some are not, the ones for oily hair.

                            I don't really need the details of your check up
                            oh. i only have dry scalp shampoo, but i know that expired a while. i'll just use my normal conditioner.


                            • #15
                              If you have no oily hair conditioner you could try olive oil. It won't mix with water so it might feel well, oily...but it will protect and hydrate your skin. It was used in biblical times.

                              Don't try that unless all else fails, could be yucky. You're basicly trying to get something between your skin cells and the air.

                              Remember the fish oil tomorrow.
                              Long time member @ Apolyton
                              Civilization player since the dawn of time

