Mike Huckabee
You are 9% economic left
You are equally social-liberal as social-conservative
You have a substantive agreement of 90%
John McCain
You are 5% economic left
You are 7% more traditional
You have a substantive agreement of 73%
Mitt Romney
You are 14% economic left
You are 3% more traditional
You have a substantive agreement of 72%
Fred Thompson
You are 13% economic left
You are 9% more progressive
You have a substantive agreement of 78%
Rudy Giuliani
You are 13% economic left
You are 18% more traditional
You have a substantive agreement of 69%
Ron Paul
You are 8% economic left
You are 41% more traditional
You have a substantive agreement of 64%
Bill Richardson
You are 42% economic right
You are 55% more traditional
You have a substantive agreement of 38%
Hillary Clinton
You are 45% economic right
You are 54% more traditional
You have a substantive agreement of 41%
John Edwards
You are 41% economic right
You are 61% more traditional
You have a substantive agreement of 43%
Barack Obama
You are 36% economic right
You are 71% more traditional
You have a substantive agreement of 32%