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Yay! An Internet Test To Tell Me Who To Vote For

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  • #46
    Originally posted by ricketyclik
    Here's a better one.

    Mike Huckabee
    You are 9% economic left
    You are equally social-liberal as social-conservative
    You have a substantive agreement of 90%

    John McCain
    You are 5% economic left
    You are 7% more traditional
    You have a substantive agreement of 73%

    Mitt Romney
    You are 14% economic left
    You are 3% more traditional
    You have a substantive agreement of 72%

    Fred Thompson
    You are 13% economic left
    You are 9% more progressive
    You have a substantive agreement of 78%

    Rudy Giuliani
    You are 13% economic left
    You are 18% more traditional
    You have a substantive agreement of 69%

    Ron Paul
    You are 8% economic left
    You are 41% more traditional
    You have a substantive agreement of 64%

    Bill Richardson
    You are 42% economic right
    You are 55% more traditional
    You have a substantive agreement of 38%

    Hillary Clinton
    You are 45% economic right
    You are 54% more traditional
    You have a substantive agreement of 41%

    John Edwards
    You are 41% economic right
    You are 61% more traditional
    You have a substantive agreement of 43%

    Barack Obama
    You are 36% economic right
    You are 71% more traditional
    You have a substantive agreement of 32%
    The video may avatar is from


    • #47
      Your position in comparison with the candidates.
      You have responded to 36 propositions. Based on the responses you provided, you are the closest to
      John Edwards and you are the furthest away from Fred Thompson

      John Edwards
      You are 8% economic right
      You are 3% more progressive
      You have a substantive agreement of 76%

      Barack Obama
      You are 3% economic right
      You are 9% more traditional
      You have a substantive agreement of 81%

      Bill Richardson
      You are 9% economic right
      You are 7% more progressive
      You have a substantive agreement of 69%

      Hillary Clinton
      You are 13% economic right
      You are 8% more progressive
      You have a substantive agreement of 72%


      Mike Huckabee
      You are 42% economic left
      You are 63% more progressive
      You have a substantive agreement of 40%

      Fred Thompson
      You are 45% economic left
      You are 71% more progressive
      You have a substantive agreement of 39%
      Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
      Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


      • #48
        Bill Richardson
        You are 15% economic right
        You are 10% more traditional
        You have a substantive agreement of 66%

        John Edwards
        You are 13% economic right
        You are 14% more traditional
        You have a substantive agreement of 67%

        Ron Paul
        You are 21% economic left
        You are 11% more progressive
        You have a substantive agreement of 58%

        Hillary Clinton
        You are 21% economic right
        You are 13% more traditional
        You have a substantive agreement of 64%

        Barack Obama
        You are 10% economic right
        You are 25% more traditional
        You have a substantive agreement of 68%

        Rudy Giuliani
        You are 33% economic left
        You are 22% more progressive
        You have a substantive agreement of 57%

        John McCain
        You are 31% economic left
        You are 39% more progressive
        You have a substantive agreement of 46%

        Mike Huckabee
        You are 27% economic left
        You are 46% more progressive
        You have a substantive agreement of 43%

        Mitt Romney
        You are 40% economic left
        You are 38% more progressive
        You have a substantive agreement of 55%

        Fred Thompson
        You are 35% economic left
        You are 56% more progressive
        You have a substantive agreement of 46%


        • #49
          I get
          Top 3:
          Kucinich 63%
          Clinton 60%
          Obama 53%

          Bottom 3:
          Huckabee 13%
          Romney 13%
          Hunter 5%

          Highest Rep.:
          Giuliani on 40%

          Lowest Dem:
          Edwards on 53%

          Wow, that Hunter guy must be my bad twin. The only point where I agreed with that guy was on topic 20 "allow churches to provide welfare" - which is probably because the question is not well put.
          "The world is too small in Vorarlberg". Austrian ex-vice-chancellor Hubert Gorbach in a letter to Alistar [sic] Darling, looking for a job...
          "Let me break this down for you, fresh from algebra II. A 95% chance to win 5 times means a (95*5) chance to win = 475% chance to win." Wiglaf, Court jester or hayseed, you judge.


          • #50
            There is no way I have 73% agreement with Clinton.
            Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


            • #51
              Really? I've heard that the Clintons are communists.
              “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
              "Capitalism ho!"


              • #52
                Originally posted by ricketyclik
                Here's a better one.
                This one also has Clinton too far to the left. She is the most right-wing of the Democratic candidates.
                Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


                • #53
                  Originally posted by DaShi
                  Really? I've heard that the Clintons are communists.
                  Damn, the secret's out.

                  I'm going to go console myself by eating some bacon.
                  Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


                  • #54
                    I got:

                    Obama: 55%
                    Clinton: 50%
                    Giuliani: 48%

                    Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark


                    • #55
                      And on the other one:

                      Bill Richardson
                      You are 17% economic right
                      You are 8% more traditional
                      You have a substantive agreement of 61%

                      Hillary Clinton
                      You are 20% economic right
                      You are 6% more traditional
                      You have a substantive agreement of 65%

                      John Edwards
                      You are 16% economic right
                      You are 11% more traditional
                      You have a substantive agreement of 63%

                      Barack Obama
                      You are 11% economic right
                      You are 23% more traditional
                      You have a substantive agreement of 63%

                      Ron Paul
                      You are 33% economic left
                      You are 10% more progressive
                      You have a substantive agreement of 47%

                      Rudy Giuliani
                      You are 38% economic left
                      You are 29% more progressive
                      You have a substantive agreement of 62%

                      John McCain
                      You are 30% economic left
                      You are 43% more progressive
                      You have a substantive agreement of 48%

                      Mitt Romney
                      You are 39% economic left
                      You are 43% more progressive
                      You have a substantive agreement of 55%

                      Mike Huckabee
                      You are 34% economic left
                      You are 49% more progressive
                      You have a substantive agreement of 45%

                      Fred Thompson
                      You are 38% economic left
                      You are 58% more progressive
                      You have a substantive agreement of 50%

                      Hmm...this one gives it to Clinton with Obama and Edwards tied for a close second place. Good for me that I am not American, as I would be confused now

                      Edit: On this one too, Giuliani scores high, even though I am more in line with the Democrats on all issues. What gives??


                      Gun control (67%) agreement
                      Proposition 1:
                      People should have a background check and obtain a license before they can buy a gun
                      Your opinion: completely agree
                      Opinion Rudy Giuliani: tend to agree

                      Proposition 2:
                      Stricter gun control will not reduce crime
                      Your opinion: completely disagree
                      Opinion Rudy Giuliani: tend to disagree

                      Proposition 3:
                      All semi-automatic weapons should be banned
                      Your opinion: completely agree
                      Opinion Rudy Giuliani: neutral

                      So apparently. Giuliani is not hardline on guns...interesting
                      Environment (50%) agreement
                      Proposition 1:
                      The effects of global warming are grossly exaggerated
                      Your opinion: completely disagree
                      Opinion Rudy Giuliani: tend to disagree

                      Proposition 2:
                      An additional carbon tax on fuel will effectively reduce pollution
                      Your opinion: tend to agree
                      Opinion Rudy Giuliani: tend to disagree

                      Proposition 3:
                      The US should never sign international treaties on climate change that limit economic growth
                      Your opinion: completely disagree
                      Opinion Rudy Giuliani: tend to agree

                      Okay...we are less in agreement about global surprise there
                      Iraq (75%) agreement
                      Proposition 1:
                      The US had every right to invade Iraq
                      Your opinion: tend to agree
                      Opinion Rudy Giuliani: completely agree

                      Proposition 2:
                      The US is safer because of the invasion of Iraq
                      Your opinion: tend to agree
                      Opinion Rudy Giuliani: completely agree

                      Proposition 3:
                      The new president should begin to bring home all US troops from Iraq immediately
                      Your opinion: tend to disagree
                      Opinion Rudy Giuliani: completely disagree

                      What can I say....not many Europeans share my views on Iraq
                      Economy (67%) agreement
                      Proposition 1:
                      The best way to reduce the federal deficit is to raise taxes
                      Your opinion: completely disagree
                      Opinion Rudy Giuliani: tend to disagree

                      Proposition 2:
                      The tax cuts for people with a higher income should be reversed
                      Your opinion: tend to disagree
                      Opinion Rudy Giuliani: tend to disagree

                      Proposition 3:
                      The government has no responsibility to provide retirement funds
                      Your opinion: completely disagree
                      Opinion Rudy Giuliani: tend to agree

                      Hmm...I am in 67% agreement with a republican on economic issues. For the record, I am against raising taxes, but that must be seen in context. I am a resident in a country with an extremely high tax level. That probably coloured my answer here. Had I been living in the States, I would probably be less in agreement with him

                      Income (75%) agreement
                      Proposition 1:
                      Mortgage lenders should be more tightly controlled
                      Your opinion: tend to disagree
                      Opinion Rudy Giuliani: completely disagree

                      Proposition 2:
                      People with higher incomes should receive less Medicare benefits
                      Your opinion: tend to disagree
                      Opinion Rudy Giuliani: tend to agree

                      Proposition 3:
                      The federal government should reduce income inequality
                      Your opinion: tend to disagree
                      Opinion Rudy Giuliani: tend to disagree

                      My traditional liberal values shine through here. It is not a task for the government to regulate private finances nor subsidize low income groups
                      National security (67%) agreement
                      Proposition 1:
                      The US should reduce its financial contribution to the UN
                      Your opinion: completely disagree
                      Opinion Rudy Giuliani: tend to agree

                      Proposition 2:
                      Iran is not an imminent threat to world peace
                      Your opinion: completely disagree
                      Opinion Rudy Giuliani: completely disagree

                      Proposition 3:
                      The US should decrease its spending on defense
                      Your opinion: tend to disagree
                      Opinion Rudy Giuliani: completely disagree

                      Okay...another issue where I am not typically European. I still see the US as the World Leader, and as such I am in support of a strong US global presence
                      Family (75%) agreement
                      Proposition 1:
                      Same sex marriages should be made legal
                      Your opinion: completely agree
                      Opinion Rudy Giuliani: neutral

                      Proposition 2:
                      Abortion should be made completely illegal
                      Your opinion: completely disagree
                      Opinion Rudy Giuliani: tend to disagree

                      Proposition 3:
                      Using embryos for stem cell research is acceptable as it enables us to find cures for diseases
                      Your opinion: tend to agree
                      Opinion Rudy Giuliani: tend to agree

                      I share the family values of a republican :eek!:
                      Immigration (83%) agreement
                      Proposition 1:
                      To prevent illegal immigration, the US should complete the fence along the entire Mexican border
                      Your opinion: completely disagree
                      Opinion Rudy Giuliani: tend to disagree

                      Proposition 2:
                      All illegal immigrants without a criminal record should be given the right to stay in the US legally
                      Your opinion: completely disagree
                      Opinion Rudy Giuliani: tend to disagree

                      Proposition 3:
                      Illegal immigration threatens our national security
                      Your opinion: completely agree
                      Opinion Rudy Giuliani: completely agree

                      Okay....I like Giuliani more and more. You don't give breaks to immigrants who entered illegally. You just don't. And of course illegal immigration threatens national security, duh!!
                      Health care (17%) agreement
                      Proposition 1:
                      Providing health care is not the responsibility of the government
                      Your opinion: completely disagree
                      Opinion Rudy Giuliani: tend to agree

                      Proposition 2:
                      US law should obligate all companies to provide health care insurance for their workers
                      Your opinion: tend to agree
                      Opinion Rudy Giuliani: completely disagree

                      Proposition 3:
                      The government should provide health care coverage for the millions of uninsured Americans
                      Your opinion: completely agree
                      Opinion Rudy Giuliani: completely disagree

                      This is more in line with what I would have expected. On health care, the man is a dinosaur. "It is a no risk society." Tell that to the thousands of people who get injure in car crashes each year. Health care IS a government task, and that is that.
                      Law and order (75%) agreement
                      Proposition 1:
                      The death penalty helps deter crime
                      Your opinion: completely disagree
                      Opinion Rudy Giuliani: tend to agree

                      Proposition 2:
                      The government should spend money on keeping drugs off the streets, not on treating drug addicts
                      Your opinion: tend to agree
                      Opinion Rudy Giuliani: tend to agree

                      Proposition 3:
                      For each crime there should be a fixed minimum sentence
                      Your opinion: completely agree
                      Opinion Rudy Giuliani: completely agree

                      Death penalty, NO!!. Long prison sentences, Yes please. Still a higher agreement percentage that I would have expected.
                      Education (58%) agreement
                      Proposition 1:
                      Better teachers should be paid higher wages than their colleagues
                      Your opinion: tend to disagree
                      Opinion Rudy Giuliani: tend to disagree

                      Proposition 2:
                      Creationism should be taught in science classes in school
                      Your opinion: completely disagree
                      Opinion Rudy Giuliani: tend to disagree

                      Proposition 3:
                      More government funding should go into public schools, not to education vouchers
                      Your opinion: completely agree
                      Opinion Rudy Giuliani: completely disagree

                      At least he is not a creationist.
                      Terrorism (33%) agreement
                      Proposition 1:
                      Anti-terrorism legislation, such as the Patriot Act, unacceptably violates civil liberties
                      Your opinion: completely agree
                      Opinion Rudy Giuliani: completely disagree

                      Proposition 2:
                      Some form of torture is acceptable if it can prevent terrorist attacks
                      Your opinion: completely disagree
                      Opinion Rudy Giuliani: completely agree

                      Proposition 3:
                      Iraq is just one front in a broader fight against Islamic terrorism
                      Your opinion: completely agree
                      Opinion Rudy Giuliani: completely agree

                      I am all for fighting terrorism, but not at the cost of violating civil liberties. That is totally unacceptable to me. And of course you don't go around torturing people. Shame on you, Giuliani!!!!. On the last proposition I agree with him though. Islamic extremists sadly don't seem to want to listen to reason.

                      All in all it still does surprise me that I agree with him on so many issues, though there are the occasional hiccups where he shows his neanderthalian republican stances

                      I actually learnt something from this

                      Last edited by Asmodean; January 15, 2008, 13:37.
                      Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark


                      • #56
                        Kucinich 85%

                        Huckabee (Satan) 5%
                        I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
                        - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


                        • #57
                          'm surprized how many people here had incredibly high marks for Dodd.

                          50% Mike Huckabee
                          45% Ron Paul
                          43% Hillary Clinton
                          48% Mike Gravel
                          38% Dennis Kucinich
                          35% Barack Obama
                          33% John McCain
                          33% Fred Thompson
                          30% Rudy Giuliani
                          30% Duncan Hunter
                          30% John Edwards
                          20% Mitt Romney

                          Well just proves that no one really matches up well with me. I'm too independent. I'm surprized to see Huckabee beat out Paul though. I'm not surprized however to see Romney so low.


                          Hmm, it didn't even list Dodd, Biden, or Richardson. Cause they dropped out perhaps?
                          Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                          When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by chegitz guevara
                            There is no way I have 73% agreement with Clinton.
                            I'm pretty sure that the test isn't designed for left wing voters.
                            I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
                            - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by OzzyKP
                              50% Mike Huckabee
                              You are practically the anti-me
                              I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
                              - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


                              • #60
                                On the test not provided by Fox:

                                John Edwards
                                You are 22% economic right
                                You are equally social-liberal as social-conservative
                                You have a substantive agreement of 68%
                                Bill Richardson
                                You are 23% economic right
                                You are 4% more progressive
                                You have a substantive agreement of 64%
                                Barack Obama
                                You are 17% economic right
                                You are 11% more traditional
                                You have a substantive agreement of 69%
                                Hillary Clinton
                                You are 25% economic right
                                You are 5% more progressive
                                You have a substantive agreement of 62%
                                Ron Paul
                                You are 25% economic left
                                You are 21% more progressive
                                You have a substantive agreement of 63%
                                Rudy Giuliani
                                You are 32% economic left
                                You are 40% more progressive
                                You have a substantive agreement of 54%
                                John McCain
                                You are 27% economic left
                                You are 54% more progressive
                                You have a substantive agreement of 54%
                                Mike Huckabee
                                You are 28% economic left
                                You are 60% more progressive
                                You have a substantive agreement of 52%
                                Mitt Romney
                                You are 37% economic left
                                You are 54% more progressive
                                You have a substantive agreement of 46%
                                Fred Thompson
                                You are 35% economic left
                                You are 69% more progressive
                                You have a substantive agreement of 43%

                                Eh. I voted neutral on a lot of the economic issues, and I despise Edwards's rabble-rousing.
                                1011 1100
                                Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel

