Are you saying god was stupid?
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The Genesis : Common sense vs. Nietzsche
Originally posted by lord of the mark
Hes inside us, and its our job to make the texts relevant in each generation, by studying, thinking and interpretating.
Im sorry to be brief on this, but the civilizational gulf between the Jewish POV and the view of an old man with a beard, to whose word humans should add nothing - SOLE SCRIPTURA!!!!! - is simply too vast for me to spend my time on."I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure." - Clarence Darrow
"I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it." - Mark Twain
Originally posted by Wezil
I can but apparently god can't.
That's funny, since none of the rest of your post has to do with clarifying a previous argument, but stating a new one. I think I read your argument just fine.
If this is your line of reasoning then please tell me where did god go for the last couple thousand years and why did he, in all his wisdom, see fit to tell our ancestors all the really important stuff they need to know at a time they couldn't possibly understand it? Doesn't sound very wise to me.
Maybe he didn't stop talking to us. Maybe our culture changed so that we don't record what he says anymore in some organized work, or even recognize it when he speaks to us.
Evidence please.
WTF. This isn't a "prove to me your religion is correct" argument, and you're an ******* if you're trying to turn it into one, particularly given that it's a thread on biblical interpretation. You're pretty obnoxious already for turning it into "prove to me that your religion isn't necessarily inconsistent with reality."
Originally posted by lord of the mark
Hes inside us, and its our job to make the texts relevant in each generation, by studying, thinking and interpretating.I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
- Justice Brett Kavanaugh
Originally posted by Wezil
Back to the earlier part of our conversation. I have no doubt there are many great philosophical debates centered around thousands of years of tradition. This does not surprise me. I'm saying you are not debating gods topics but those inspired/created by man.
Originally posted by Wezil
Evidence please.
Im not here to proselytize you. Judaism (IMO) cant be reduced to a set of propositions for logical play, a fortiori not to a set of arguments that can fit in posts here."A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber
Originally posted by Geronimo
wth do you get that?
Kuci - And maybe he drowned at sea. Wild speculation to explain his absence, which of course is required when speaking of imaginary beings.We're talking about god here, I don't understand how he would have such difficulty communicating with us regardless of how our culture changed. Or doesn't he care?
Kid - That clip is actually fairly recent ("You Are All Diseased" cd name). "Classic" Carlin is 70's."I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure." - Clarence Darrow
"I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it." - Mark Twain
Originally posted by Kuciwalker
Evidence please.
WTF. This isn't a "prove to me your religion is correct" argument, and you're an ******* if you're trying to turn it into one, particularly given that it's a thread on biblical interpretation. You're pretty obnoxious already for turning it into "prove to me that your religion isn't necessarily inconsistent with reality."
As to the direction the thread has taken - too bad. Threads often go in directions not intended or expected, particularly after several pages. If you don't like the discussion the solution is simple. Don't read/post."I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure." - Clarence Darrow
"I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it." - Mark Twain
Originally posted by Wezil
It was said it was stupid to even mention it. iirc there are verses of the quran that speak about just this sort of thing. As the word of god I must infer he (god) was stupid for mentioning it.
Kuci - And maybe he drowned at sea. Wild speculation to explain his absence, which of course is required when speaking of imaginary beings.We're talking about god here, I don't understand how he would have such difficulty communicating with us regardless of how our culture changed. Or doesn't he care?
Most religious texts look to me to be a mixture of simple obvious communications and of content with vast room for layers of interpretation.
Re: The Genesis : Common sense vs. Nietzsche
Originally posted by Oncle Boris
What did God mean to tell Adam in the Genesis ?
a) Nietzsche believes that the Forbidden Fruit is the expression of the Jewish priest's fright of science, which would destroy the idea of God.
b) But a more commonsensical explanation would be that God told Adam that if he ****ed Eve, Eve would give birth and her ***** would hurt.
Which explanation is correct ?
Its the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. Good and Evil is Sklavenmoral, right? Something the weak use to gull the strong, and to express their "ressentiment". It would seem to be, in FNs thought, the very opposite of science, it would seem to be the very thing that the Jewish Priests are foisting on the world. How then, can it be that the Jewish priests are trying to restrain it? This interpretation seems wildly self-contradictory. Beyond that, it seems clear that one this story is done, the Pandoras box is opened, and whatever knowledge the fruit gave, is widespread in the world. Well before the Jewish priesthood is born (according the narrative supported by the Priesthood (I wont address FNs views on the philology of the Hebrew Bible being somewhat out of date)"A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber
[QUOTE] Originally posted by Wezil
You're the one persisting with personal insults despite my efforts to be as polite as possible while facing posters suffering delusions. If someone wants to seriously argue god is "inside me" and he has assigned me the task of figuring him out then I'm sorry but that is a claim requiring some proof.
It was a quick response the banal question "where has god been" - it obviously represents a much larger and more complex body of thought.
Which Im NOT required to explain or prove to you, just because you are capable of banal questions.
And BTW, the assignment isnt to me in particular, its to the Jewish people as a collective.
As to the direction the thread has taken - too bad. Threads often go in directions not intended or expected, particularly after several pages.
Nah, thats not whats happened here. Some folks came in, and didnt attempt AT ALL to discuss the interpretation of texts, just started in on "its not clear, that proves God doesnt exist - now prove to me otherwise"
Blatant threadjack.
If you don't like the discussion the solution is simple. Don't read/post.
Or better yet, we can keep posting, but put you on ignore."A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber
Originally posted by Kuciwalker
Maybe he didn't stop talking to us. Maybe our culture changed so that we don't record what he says anymore in some organized work, or even recognize it when he speaks to us.
Spinoza kinds of address the point in the Theologico-Political treatise. He says that with the advent of Christ, prophecy became philosophy. Should we then interpret that some scholars could have been "prophets" ? This is open to debate, and no one is really sure what Spinoza meant to say.In Soviet Russia, Fake borises YOU.