If American soldiers were captured in war, would it be allright to wateroard them?
If not, then can we use a "interrogation" technique on others, that we would not allow used on our own soldiers?
I heard this analysis earlier today and thought it was very clever.
For those of you unaware, this is one definition of waterboarding:
I'll check in the morning for responses.
If not, then can we use a "interrogation" technique on others, that we would not allow used on our own soldiers?
I heard this analysis earlier today and thought it was very clever.
For those of you unaware, this is one definition of waterboarding:
Waterboarding is a [...] technique that simulates drowning in a controlled environment. It consists of immobilizing an individual on his or her back, with the head inclined downward, and pouring water over the face[1] to force the inhalation of water into the lungs.[2] Waterboarding has been used to obtain information, coerce confessions, punish, and intimidate. In contrast to merely submerging the head, waterboarding elicits the gag reflex,[3] and can make the subject believe death is imminent. Waterboarding's use as a method of torture or means to support interrogation is based on its ability to cause extreme mental distress while possibly creating no lasting physical damage to the subject. The psychological effects on victims of waterboarding can last long after the procedure.[4] Although waterboarding in cases can leave no lasting physical damage, it carries the real risks of extreme pain, damage to the lungs, brain damage caused by oxygen deprivation, injuries as a result of struggling against restraints (including broken bones), and even death.[5]
Numerous experts have described this technique as torture.[6][7][8][9][10][11][12] Some nations have also criminally prosecuted individuals for performing waterboarding, including the United States.[13]
Numerous experts have described this technique as torture.[6][7][8][9][10][11][12] Some nations have also criminally prosecuted individuals for performing waterboarding, including the United States.[13]
I'll check in the morning for responses.