Yeah, so what? Just because I would use military force doesn't me I want to use that before anything else.
So again, there is no evidence beyond the juvinile fantacies in your own head that the admin WANTED to bomb Iran, only that they were WILLING to if need be.
Interesting that those demanding military force be taken off the table completely did so in spite of and in total disregard of what the IAEA and previous NEIs
Because we are arguing, just like in the Iraq debate, invading Iran doesn't make since even if they were working on WMD's. It's just that the the lack of evidence for a nuclear program makes military strikes to stop WMD development a particularly dumb option.
And the IAEA has been saying to a great extent the substance of what this past NIE said.
BTW, it's notable, BTW, that Dems Pres candidates don't talk about taking the military option off the table. That simply isn't the context of the political debate for the past couple years, which is actually whether a strike in the near future is justified.