The Apolyton Off-Topic 2008 Celebrity Dead Pool
"My luck is so bad that if I bought a cemetery, people would stop dying." - Ed Furgol (former pro golfer).
"At my age I do what Mark Twain did. I get my daily paper, look at the obituaries page and if I'm not there I carry on as usual." - Patrick Moore (English astronomer).
It has become usual to find an obituary thread in the Off Topic forum whenever a “celebrity” of note dies. Sometimes the thread takes a tone off profound sadness whereas other times it becomes a dancehall of smilies. Rather than pass some sort of judgment on the worth of the newly departed soul as the usual threads do, the Off Topic Dead Pool simply allows the site posters to demonstrate their ability to prognosticate and tell their fellow posters exactly what celebrities will die in the coming calendar year. This isn’t to encourage the death of someone or help it along in any way, but simply recognition that Death has His job to do and 2008, won’t be any exception.
It is acknowledged that this sort of entertainment is not for everyone. If it offends your sensibilities I apologize and understand if you choose not to participate. For those of you that are like me and have a somewhat ‘dark’ streak to their humour, this Pool is for you. Read the rules, pick your list of celebrities and sit back and see what 2008 will bring us.
Game Rules
1. All site members (including the admin and moderators) are eligible to participate.
2. A Judges Panel (Wezil, SlowwHand and Ming) will arbitrate and rule on all disputes and verify eligibility of all list names. Any decision is carried by 2 or more votes. Decisions of this Panel are FINAL.
3. Each player is to pick 25 different celebrities who they believe will be alive as of midnight 1st January 2008, but whom will no longer be “with us” by the end of 31st December 2008.
a) These 25 names will be divided between a “Game List” of 20 names and a “Reserve List” of 5 names.
b) The celebrity choices are to be “Ranked” in order of confidence (most likely to die at the top of the list – least likely at bottom).
4. This list is to be sent by Private Message to Wezil for eligibility verification by the Panel Judges. DO NOT post your list in the thread. I will post the lists of all players at the start of the game in January. This prevents others from “poaching” your good picks. No further entries will be accepted after 31st December 2007.
5. The Panel Judges will examine all list names for eligibility (see Rule 22). In the event a celebrity is ruled ineligible a replacement, if available, will be moved up from the player’s Reserve List
6. The Panel Judges will not determine if the submitted celebrity is currently alive. If you choose someone that is already dead you will be stuck with that celebrity on your list unless you notice and report the error prior to January 1st, 2008. If you still have available celebrities from your Reserve List one will be moved up to replace the already deceased choice prior to the start of the Pool.
7. If one of your picks dies after selections are submitted but before the beginning of game play at the start of the year, the top name on your Reserve List will move up to your Game List. If a celebrity does jump the gun and die before the official start of the game it is the responsibility of the player to report the early death to a Panel Judge.
8. If one (or more) of your picks are ruled “Ineligible” by the Panel Judges, celebrity names from you Reserve List, if available, will be moved up to your Game List.
9. You may only enter The Apolyton Off Topic Dead Pool once.
10. Points will be awarded for each celebrity that you accurately predicted would die in 2008. Points will be awarded according to the formula in Rule 15.
11. Celebrity deaths are to be reported by the players in the Dead Pool thread (one report will suffice for all). I don’t have the time or inclination to keep track of everybody’s list. If someone on your list dies it is your duty to claim your points. NOTE: A link to an obit of some kind is required (see Rule 23b). This link must be in English.
12. All deaths are to be reported by 7th January 2009 (to allow for any delay in media reporting). This will be the official closing day for awarding points.
13. I'll update the thread every time someone scores points, and post an up-to-date scoreboard.
14. At the end of the year the poster with the most points will be declared the winner. Duh.
15. When an eligible celebrity on your list dies points will be awarded according to the following formula:
Points = (171 - Rank) + (100 – age) + Bonus
16. Rank points - The higher a player Ranks their pick the more points that pick will be worth. Be careful to order your list from most likely to least likely to perish sometime in 2008 if you want to make the most of their loss.
17. In addition, bonus points will be awarded when a death meets the following criteria (points to be shared equally in the event of multiple winners):
a) Unique Pick Award: +25 points if you were the only player to pick that celebrity.
b) Unlucky 13 Award: +10 points for a celebrity who dies on the 13th of any month.
c) Unnatural Causes Award: +20 points for murder, suicide or accident.
d) Party Pooper Award: +25 points for any celebrity rude enough to die on their birthday or Christmas Day.
e) First Blood Award: +25 points for the first celebrity to die in 2008.
f) You Can’t Cheat Death Award: +25 points for the last celebrity to die in 2008.
g) The Daily Double: +50 points awarded to any player who has two celebrities on their roster die on the same day.
h) The Hat Trick: +75 points awarded to any player who has three celebrities on their roster die over the course of one week (any 7-day span).
i) The Grand Slam: +100 points awarded to any player who has four celebrities on their roster die in the same month (any 30-day span).
j) The Empty Casket Award: +50 points awarded at the end of the year to the player who had the longest "dry spell" between deaths.
k) The Killing Spree Award: +50 points awarded at the end of the year to the player who has the most celebrities on their list die in a row. (That is, they score multiple points without anyone else scoring between them).
18. The official date/time of any celebrity death is measured in the time zone that the celebrity is in when they die.
19. In the event of a dead heat on points at the closing of the 2008 Dead Pool, the winner will be selected according to the following criteria, applied in this order:
a) The player with most correctly chosen deceased celebrities.
b) The player with the youngest average age of correct predictions.
20. If a celebrity who has passed on has more than one reported age the following websites will be consulted and the age that the majority says the celebrity was would be the age used.
i) If there is no clear majority, then the site will be the official age recorder.
ii) If doesn't list an obituary for this celebrity, then the rest of the websites, in the order listed above, will be queried.
21. You may not go out and “help yourself” win. Basically, you cannot kill someone onyour list to give yourself more points. any list. The penalty for violating this rule, in addition to any criminal charges brought upon you by the appropriate authorities, is a lifetime ban from the Off Topic Dead Pool.
a) All of your chosen celebrities must be Human (no animals or concepts).
b) Apolyton site members, staff and family members are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN as list picks.
c) No minors may be chosen (at least 16 years old as at 1st January 2008). Waiting for a child to die would stretch what little amount of taste resides in this game.
d) Selections must be actual “real-life” people, not characters out of soap operas and the like.
e) The celebrity must be a named individual, not just "Pope Wotsisface".
f) Sorry, but no death row inmates may be chosen. If a celebrity dies while in prison, but not because of a state-sponsored execution, (killed in a prison riot by a fellow prisoner, suicide, etc.) that death will count for points.
g) People charged with capital crimes are ineligible. Murderers who've gotten away (OJ Simpson), murderers still skirting justice and murderers not sentenced to death (Charles Manson) are eligible. Run-of-the-mill murderers don't count either.
h) People who are hostages as of January 1st, 2008 are not eligible picks.
i) No Porn Stars. While some porn stars may have achieved enough crossover fame to be considered celebrities, most have not. To avoid any arguments, I am therefore forbidding all of them.
j) Celebrities or people undergoing experimental medical treatment involving artificial vital organs or animal part implants are not eligible. Pacemakers are all right (Dick Cheney is still eligible).
k) No celebrity may be named more than once on your list.
l) A celebrity must be “famous” in his or her own right – family members of celebrities do not count unless they too have their own fame. Exception: All present and former “First Ladies” still alive are eligible to be chosen.
m) No illness/dying celebrities (commonly referred to as the “Terry Shiavo Rule”). That is, someone whose claim to fame IS their illness or dying. This rule also covers people who are not famous for anything save being members of a suicide cult, etc.
n) No person whose only claim to being a celebrity is being old may be chosen.
a) "Celebrity" means someone who, upon their death, gets a written obituary in a major, mainstream media news website. A good rule of thumb is “Celebrity = Name Recognition.” The Judges Panel should be able to look at the name and say “Oh, I know who that is,” without any prompting from the player. The Judges Panel should at least be able to find many references to the individual with a cursory online search.
b) "Obituary" simply means an article that mentions the fact that the person has died. It doesn't have to be the conventional biographical write-up.
c) "Alive" means drawing breath, not decomposing, that kind of thing.
d) “Dead” means dead. No irreversible coma, no vegetables. To qualify as dead, there must be an actual corpse. The death of a career (e.g. Michael Jackson) doesn't count.
24. Ming is the Staff Contact on this project. Any attempt to squirm around the letter or intent of these rules will be met harshly and swiftly by Ming the Merciless.
25. PRIZE: The player with the most points at the end of the year will gain nothing more than the glory and distinction of being the best at reading the tea leaves and determining where Death was most likely to strike in 2008.
edit: To amend scoring formula (Rules 15 and 16) - Thanks Lord Avalon
"My luck is so bad that if I bought a cemetery, people would stop dying." - Ed Furgol (former pro golfer).
"At my age I do what Mark Twain did. I get my daily paper, look at the obituaries page and if I'm not there I carry on as usual." - Patrick Moore (English astronomer).
It has become usual to find an obituary thread in the Off Topic forum whenever a “celebrity” of note dies. Sometimes the thread takes a tone off profound sadness whereas other times it becomes a dancehall of smilies. Rather than pass some sort of judgment on the worth of the newly departed soul as the usual threads do, the Off Topic Dead Pool simply allows the site posters to demonstrate their ability to prognosticate and tell their fellow posters exactly what celebrities will die in the coming calendar year. This isn’t to encourage the death of someone or help it along in any way, but simply recognition that Death has His job to do and 2008, won’t be any exception.
It is acknowledged that this sort of entertainment is not for everyone. If it offends your sensibilities I apologize and understand if you choose not to participate. For those of you that are like me and have a somewhat ‘dark’ streak to their humour, this Pool is for you. Read the rules, pick your list of celebrities and sit back and see what 2008 will bring us.
Game Rules
1. All site members (including the admin and moderators) are eligible to participate.
2. A Judges Panel (Wezil, SlowwHand and Ming) will arbitrate and rule on all disputes and verify eligibility of all list names. Any decision is carried by 2 or more votes. Decisions of this Panel are FINAL.
3. Each player is to pick 25 different celebrities who they believe will be alive as of midnight 1st January 2008, but whom will no longer be “with us” by the end of 31st December 2008.
a) These 25 names will be divided between a “Game List” of 20 names and a “Reserve List” of 5 names.
b) The celebrity choices are to be “Ranked” in order of confidence (most likely to die at the top of the list – least likely at bottom).
4. This list is to be sent by Private Message to Wezil for eligibility verification by the Panel Judges. DO NOT post your list in the thread. I will post the lists of all players at the start of the game in January. This prevents others from “poaching” your good picks. No further entries will be accepted after 31st December 2007.
5. The Panel Judges will examine all list names for eligibility (see Rule 22). In the event a celebrity is ruled ineligible a replacement, if available, will be moved up from the player’s Reserve List
6. The Panel Judges will not determine if the submitted celebrity is currently alive. If you choose someone that is already dead you will be stuck with that celebrity on your list unless you notice and report the error prior to January 1st, 2008. If you still have available celebrities from your Reserve List one will be moved up to replace the already deceased choice prior to the start of the Pool.
7. If one of your picks dies after selections are submitted but before the beginning of game play at the start of the year, the top name on your Reserve List will move up to your Game List. If a celebrity does jump the gun and die before the official start of the game it is the responsibility of the player to report the early death to a Panel Judge.
8. If one (or more) of your picks are ruled “Ineligible” by the Panel Judges, celebrity names from you Reserve List, if available, will be moved up to your Game List.
9. You may only enter The Apolyton Off Topic Dead Pool once.
10. Points will be awarded for each celebrity that you accurately predicted would die in 2008. Points will be awarded according to the formula in Rule 15.
11. Celebrity deaths are to be reported by the players in the Dead Pool thread (one report will suffice for all). I don’t have the time or inclination to keep track of everybody’s list. If someone on your list dies it is your duty to claim your points. NOTE: A link to an obit of some kind is required (see Rule 23b). This link must be in English.
12. All deaths are to be reported by 7th January 2009 (to allow for any delay in media reporting). This will be the official closing day for awarding points.
13. I'll update the thread every time someone scores points, and post an up-to-date scoreboard.
14. At the end of the year the poster with the most points will be declared the winner. Duh.
15. When an eligible celebrity on your list dies points will be awarded according to the following formula:
Points = (171 - Rank) + (100 – age) + Bonus
16. Rank points - The higher a player Ranks their pick the more points that pick will be worth. Be careful to order your list from most likely to least likely to perish sometime in 2008 if you want to make the most of their loss.
17. In addition, bonus points will be awarded when a death meets the following criteria (points to be shared equally in the event of multiple winners):
a) Unique Pick Award: +25 points if you were the only player to pick that celebrity.
b) Unlucky 13 Award: +10 points for a celebrity who dies on the 13th of any month.
c) Unnatural Causes Award: +20 points for murder, suicide or accident.
d) Party Pooper Award: +25 points for any celebrity rude enough to die on their birthday or Christmas Day.
e) First Blood Award: +25 points for the first celebrity to die in 2008.
f) You Can’t Cheat Death Award: +25 points for the last celebrity to die in 2008.
g) The Daily Double: +50 points awarded to any player who has two celebrities on their roster die on the same day.
h) The Hat Trick: +75 points awarded to any player who has three celebrities on their roster die over the course of one week (any 7-day span).
i) The Grand Slam: +100 points awarded to any player who has four celebrities on their roster die in the same month (any 30-day span).
j) The Empty Casket Award: +50 points awarded at the end of the year to the player who had the longest "dry spell" between deaths.
k) The Killing Spree Award: +50 points awarded at the end of the year to the player who has the most celebrities on their list die in a row. (That is, they score multiple points without anyone else scoring between them).
18. The official date/time of any celebrity death is measured in the time zone that the celebrity is in when they die.
19. In the event of a dead heat on points at the closing of the 2008 Dead Pool, the winner will be selected according to the following criteria, applied in this order:
a) The player with most correctly chosen deceased celebrities.
b) The player with the youngest average age of correct predictions.
20. If a celebrity who has passed on has more than one reported age the following websites will be consulted and the age that the majority says the celebrity was would be the age used.
i) If there is no clear majority, then the site will be the official age recorder.
ii) If doesn't list an obituary for this celebrity, then the rest of the websites, in the order listed above, will be queried.
21. You may not go out and “help yourself” win. Basically, you cannot kill someone on
a) All of your chosen celebrities must be Human (no animals or concepts).
b) Apolyton site members, staff and family members are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN as list picks.
c) No minors may be chosen (at least 16 years old as at 1st January 2008). Waiting for a child to die would stretch what little amount of taste resides in this game.
d) Selections must be actual “real-life” people, not characters out of soap operas and the like.
e) The celebrity must be a named individual, not just "Pope Wotsisface".
f) Sorry, but no death row inmates may be chosen. If a celebrity dies while in prison, but not because of a state-sponsored execution, (killed in a prison riot by a fellow prisoner, suicide, etc.) that death will count for points.
g) People charged with capital crimes are ineligible. Murderers who've gotten away (OJ Simpson), murderers still skirting justice and murderers not sentenced to death (Charles Manson) are eligible. Run-of-the-mill murderers don't count either.
h) People who are hostages as of January 1st, 2008 are not eligible picks.
i) No Porn Stars. While some porn stars may have achieved enough crossover fame to be considered celebrities, most have not. To avoid any arguments, I am therefore forbidding all of them.
j) Celebrities or people undergoing experimental medical treatment involving artificial vital organs or animal part implants are not eligible. Pacemakers are all right (Dick Cheney is still eligible).
k) No celebrity may be named more than once on your list.
l) A celebrity must be “famous” in his or her own right – family members of celebrities do not count unless they too have their own fame. Exception: All present and former “First Ladies” still alive are eligible to be chosen.
m) No illness/dying celebrities (commonly referred to as the “Terry Shiavo Rule”). That is, someone whose claim to fame IS their illness or dying. This rule also covers people who are not famous for anything save being members of a suicide cult, etc.
n) No person whose only claim to being a celebrity is being old may be chosen.
a) "Celebrity" means someone who, upon their death, gets a written obituary in a major, mainstream media news website. A good rule of thumb is “Celebrity = Name Recognition.” The Judges Panel should be able to look at the name and say “Oh, I know who that is,” without any prompting from the player. The Judges Panel should at least be able to find many references to the individual with a cursory online search.
b) "Obituary" simply means an article that mentions the fact that the person has died. It doesn't have to be the conventional biographical write-up.
c) "Alive" means drawing breath, not decomposing, that kind of thing.
d) “Dead” means dead. No irreversible coma, no vegetables. To qualify as dead, there must be an actual corpse. The death of a career (e.g. Michael Jackson) doesn't count.
24. Ming is the Staff Contact on this project. Any attempt to squirm around the letter or intent of these rules will be met harshly and swiftly by Ming the Merciless.
25. PRIZE: The player with the most points at the end of the year will gain nothing more than the glory and distinction of being the best at reading the tea leaves and determining where Death was most likely to strike in 2008.
edit: To amend scoring formula (Rules 15 and 16) - Thanks Lord Avalon