Originally posted by Patroklos
So what other potential nuclear nation has a public policy of "wiping" another nation of the map? Not even interested in conquest, straight to obliteration.
Isn't Iran sort of obligated to nuke Isreal now if they have the ability
So what other potential nuclear nation has a public policy of "wiping" another nation of the map? Not even interested in conquest, straight to obliteration.
Isn't Iran sort of obligated to nuke Isreal now if they have the ability

Disclaimer: Iran's President is a bad, bad man.
Please don't use quotation marks when you're not actually quoting something. Ahmawhatshisface never literally said this.
That line is a purposeful mistranslation of what he actually said, which was something along the lines of, "Israel shouldn't exist as a political entity." While that's still not the friendliest thing to say, he was not suggesting that the country be obliterated with nuclear weapons.