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Evidence For "God"

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  • Evidence For "God"

    thought that would get ya

    check out this Sumerian cylinder seal from around 2200 BC
    Attached Files

  • #2
    our solar system according to the ancient Sumerians, or...well... something else according to skeptics. Not sure what, some claim its a constellation and not a star surrounded by non-stellar celestial objects
    Attached Files


    • #3
      I'll wat for an expert in the field of ancient sumerian culture and writting to explain what that means, instead of guessing at.


      • #4
        I happen to be one

        It means
        "Hey 21st century, God Exists!"

        Bye now!
        Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


        • #5
          I'm trying to track down the image from the Incan Holy of Holies. An Incan had to draw the image from memory after the Spanish raided the temple and melted down the gold display of the Incan Genesis depicted on the wall. According to the Incan chronicler, the Creator is an ellipse... an ellipse connecting (or separating) two groups of celestial objects - 4 at the bottom of the ellipse and 5 at the top with the Sun and Moon on either side of the ellipse.

          The image appears in several books, The Skywatchers of Ancient Mexico by Anthony F Aveni, an old book from the 1930s by somebody named Prescott (I think), and in Zecharia Sitchin's "The Lost Realms". The Sumerian cylinder seal above came from his book "The 12th Planet"...


          • #6
            From the L-piece and the conical beaker we can also deduce they played Tetris and SMAC.
            This is Shireroth, and Giant Squid will brutally murder me if I ever remove this link from my signature | In the end it won't be love that saves us, it will be mathematics | So many people have this concept of God the Avenger. I see God as the ultimate sense of humor -- SlowwHand


            • #7
              Sumerians were giants. Look how they dwarf the antelope/ibex...

              Also, there's too many planets. 11? Don't they know Pluto isn't a planet? And where are they getting the other 2 from?


              • #8
                God doesn't need evidence as to his existance and the rest of us either have faith or don't. Separating those who have faith and those who don't may be the point of our existance.

                That's a six sided star. They were Jews?
                Long time member @ Apolyton
                Civilization player since the dawn of time


                • #9
                  Guessing: That could just be a representation of the "heavens"-the most noteworthy objects in the sky, the sun, in the center and the other dots are stars and planets, not planets, specifically.

                  The scene appears to be a panoramic but I am no expect, so this is only speculation, but the ibex has a mountain in the bottom right-is this an outdoor scene? Do the stars represent the blessings of heaven? Is it memoralizing new conquest or a sign saying "Memnoch the chief rules here?"

                  Who the hell knows. Without knowing what the writting says or more information about sumerian culture and writing, we really can't draw anything but vague guesses from this.


                  • #10
                    The cylinder seal shows a star with 11 objects around it, and these objects roughly correspond to descriptions of the planetary gods given in the Enuma Elish. Three pairs of planets formed after the Sun, Mercury (described as the Sun's escort) and Tiamat/Tehom were present. The first pair - the god and goddess of war (Mars and Venus) formed amidst (between) the Sun and Tiamat. The next pair were the largest of the 3 pairs and formed beyond Tiamat - Kishar and Anshar (Jupiter and Saturn). The last pair was not as large but still of great stature.

                    As the Creator (Marduk in the Babylonian Epic of Creation) approached, the gods asked him to battle Tiamat. Anshar (Saturn) released his emissary (Pluto) to travel on his own to announce the coming glory of Marduk.


                    • #11
                      God doesn't need evidence as to his existance and the rest of us either have faith or don't.
                      I dont believe in faith

                      And I sure need evidence if I'm going to believe in God

                      That's a six sided star. They were Jews?
                      No, Abraham/Abram was a Sumerian


                      • #12
                        Maybe the moon counts.
                        Long time member @ Apolyton
                        Civilization player since the dawn of time


                        • #13
                          of course it does, the Moon played a major role in the creation story as Tiamat's defender. Judging by the damage done to the Moon's face I'd say it survived but failed to protect Tiamat. From the remains of Tiamat the Earth was born and the celestial serpent, or Firmament, or hammered out bracelet - Heaven - marks the location of the battle.


                          • #14
                            I have a hard time believing they knew of Pluto.


                            • #15
                              They knew of it thru their religion, their creation story. They didn't know about Neptune (and probably Uranus) but this pair of planets appears in the creation story after the formation of Jupiter and Saturn. The curious thing about the creation story (one of many actually) is that it places the first pair - Venus and Mars - between the Sun and Tiamat, and Tiamat is the proto-Earth. That would place Tiamat between Mars and Jupiter where the asteroid belt is now.

                              If we place Earth at the asteroid belt, the planets follow a simple mathematical formula (2x the distance from the Sun, except Neptune). Removing a planet from the asteroid belt and placing it here messes up the formula. Now, astronomers believe the Earth was struck by a Mars sized object about 4 billion years ago. If this is true, how in the hell did the Earth remain in its orbit? No, the Earth would have acquired a new orbit, a new axial tilt (seasons),
                              and a "new" Sun and sky. Life and the oldest rocks date back very close to 4 billion years, and God gathered together the waters and the Earth ("dry land") appeared. The Earth was shattered and plate tectonics began the process of continent building. The dry land appeared from underneath the waters.

