Originally posted by Sirotnikov
I agree that musicians should get paid for their work.
Question is what do you define as work.
I agree that musicians should get paid for their work.
Question is what do you define as work.
Try producing an album that is enjoyed by thousands of people?
Consider that the benefit to society is roughly proportional to the number of people who listen to the album, why shouldn't the artist be compensated likewise?
But I think that many people today expect recorded music alone to make enough money. That, together with bloated production costs, leads to insane pricing.
If the pricing is really wrong, then eventually someone will figure that out and drop the price. Right now, piracy really does drive up prices, because it reduces the number of people who would actually buy the album at a lower price (IOW, the optimum sale price increases because those who are still willing to pay, are willing to pay more).