It would help if youd use names, I cant keep track of every GOP resume. Anyway. Lt gov aint shi*t, and mayor of Richmond aint Mayor of NY.
TX Gov ain't ****, either. The point is that all the serious contenders (Romney, Thompson, Giuliani, and Huckabee in that order) aren't steeped in experience. I guess Newt is now a possibility, but in that case Clinton could select Noam Chomsky and still win...
Somehow Im not surprised
But it's not his politics that I'm objecting to (all the other guys I mentioned are quite moderate). This is all electoral strategory. I do think that his Senate votes, particularly recent ones relating to the Iraq war, are unneeded baggage (and we saw the damage that kind of ambiguity did in 2004), and that he has limited appeal in swing states under a Clinton nomination scenario.