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Freedom of speech, the constitution and the right to picket

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  • Freedom of speech, the constitution and the right to picket

    I want to know what my rights are concerning freedom of speech. Do I have the right to stand on a sidewalk outside of an establishment and hold a picket sign or will I get arrested? Is the sidewalk considered a public place?

    Short version went to get dinner before shift tonight, drive through horribly long so I went in to the Deli, Schlotzky's to be exact. A sandwich phenom here in Texas. Place my order, am waiting while this tweenager twit working the drive through proceeds to berate the person ordering. Goes something like this.....

    OMG can this friggin woman be certain about anything? Could she be any stupider. Man how frikkin hard is it to make up your mind? Then he pauses......calls out to his friend working there. Bill, yup, it's official she could be stupider. Where do these people come from?

    Now I'm appauled that he's allowed to continue with this considering that the manager is standing less then 1 1/2 feet away from this twit. He says and does nothing. This kid is so loud that other customers at tables are staring at him as well as the manager like....HELLOOOOOOOOO aren't you going to say anything to him? One man who was at the counter walked away rolling his eyes and shaking his head. So I of course called their corporate office and left a detailed message regarding this along with the worker's name and the name of the manager. Then I thought you know she was stupid because she and I continued to let this kid go on payed for our meals without realizing until much later that we are paying his rent, clothing and groceries. And more then likely the lady that he was calling stupid has a college degree is a professional being called stupid by a $6 and hour sandwich jockey!!

    There is a public sidewalk in front of their building and what I want to know is can I make a sign saying something to the effect of......Schlotzky's where their employees will call you stupid and berate you in the drive through while your paying their bills....but go ahead eat here if you want. Or would I get arrested.
    Welcome to earth, my name is Tia and I'll be your tour guide for this trip.
    Succulent and Bejeweled Mother Goddess, who is always moisturised yet never greasy, always patient yet never suffers fools~Starchild
    Dragons? Yup- big flying lizards with an attitude. ~ Laz
    You are forgiven because you are FABULOUS ~ Imran

  • #2
    Since Americans seem to have a constitutional right to look like dumbasses, I would say you're well within your rights. You might even get on your local evening news. Play your cards right and you could be an Expert called upon to comment on Customer Service issues.

    Good luck!


    • #3
      choose another sign, why let everyone know you're stupid?


      • #4
        Or you could go off about it on your favorite internet forum.
        I'm consitently stupid- Japher
        I think that opinion in the United States is decidedly different from the rest of the world because we have a free press -- by free, I mean a virgorously presented right wing point of view on the air and available to all.- Ned


        • #5
          Originally posted by LotC
          Since Americans seem to have a constitutional right to look like dumbasses, I would say you're well within your rights. You might even get on your local evening news. Play your cards right and you could be an Expert called upon to comment on Customer Service issues.

          Good luck!
          Actually.....I was thinking of making calls to the television stations anonymuuuuuuuusly of course. I just get freeking tired as a consumer of being taken advantage of. I work hard for my money, as we all do. Just tired of big corporations doing it to me with no lubrication as it were
          Welcome to earth, my name is Tia and I'll be your tour guide for this trip.
          Succulent and Bejeweled Mother Goddess, who is always moisturised yet never greasy, always patient yet never suffers fools~Starchild
          Dragons? Yup- big flying lizards with an attitude. ~ Laz
          You are forgiven because you are FABULOUS ~ Imran


          • #6
            Originally posted by Berzerker
            choose another sign, why let everyone know you're stupid?
            OK, any suggestions?
            Welcome to earth, my name is Tia and I'll be your tour guide for this trip.
            Succulent and Bejeweled Mother Goddess, who is always moisturised yet never greasy, always patient yet never suffers fools~Starchild
            Dragons? Yup- big flying lizards with an attitude. ~ Laz
            You are forgiven because you are FABULOUS ~ Imran


            • #7
              Chances are very good that the kid has to deal with a constant stream of morons and his frustration level is high. He also most likely hates his job You can rest easy though in the knowledge that you probably got him reprimanded or fired.

              How does some kid mouthing off about a stupid customer equate to you getting screwed by corporations? Keep in mind that the manager most certainly is not representative of the corporation; he probably makes $10/hour at most and enjoys his job as much as the kid.


              • #8
                Tis a franchise....he's probably one of the owners.
                Welcome to earth, my name is Tia and I'll be your tour guide for this trip.
                Succulent and Bejeweled Mother Goddess, who is always moisturised yet never greasy, always patient yet never suffers fools~Starchild
                Dragons? Yup- big flying lizards with an attitude. ~ Laz
                You are forgiven because you are FABULOUS ~ Imran


                • #9
                  OMG can this friggin woman be certain about anything? Could she be any stupider. Man how frikkin hard is it to make up your mind? Then he pauses......calls out to his friend working there. Bill, yup, it's official she could be stupider. Where do these people come from?

                  Guy is a $6 an hour sandwich jockey and you expect him to be POLITE?
                  I think this is a case of "You get what you pay for", the "You" refers to multiple parties, customers and corporation.


                  • #10
                    Most sidewalks are public spaces, and no, you won't get arrested just for standing in a public space with a picket sign.

                    The question is how you act during your picket. If you stand, hold the sing, maybe chant something non-vulger at a moderate tone, and make sure not to obstruct pedestrian traffic, including into the store in question, you would be legally okay.

                    Now, that doesn;t mean you might not get arrested, only that you would not give cops a valid legal justification to arrest you.
                    If you don't like reality, change it! me
                    "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
                    "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
                    "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


                    • #11
                      Re: Freedom of speech, the constitution and the right to picket

                      Originally posted by Tiamat
                      There is a public sidewalk in front of their building and what I want to know is can I make a sign saying something to the effect of......Schlotzky's where their employees will call you stupid and berate you in the drive through while your paying their bills....but go ahead eat here if you want. Or would I get arrested.
                      I'm pretty sure that you can't do it anywhere near their store (because of the nature of your message). You can do it on the interenet, and you just did. Anyway, no one will care. They will just ignore you, and eagerly await their sanmiches.
                      I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
                      - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


                      • #12
                        Yah, you could do it... but I'm not sure why you are so offended by this. When I worked at CVS we used to ***** about customers all the freaking time. Usually not in front of other customers, but sometimes it happened... and the managers tended to get involved in the discussions.
                        “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                        - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


                        • #13
                          I think you should refer to the Wrap thread and make your own lunches so you don't have to deal with this.
                          "Yay Apoc!!!!!!!" - bipolarbear
                          "At least there were some thoughts went into Apocalypse." - Urban Ranger
                          "Apocalype was a great game." - DrSpike
                          "In Apoc, I had one soldier who lasted through the entire game... was pretty cool. I like apoc for that reason, the soldiers are a bit more 'personal'." - General Ludd


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui
                            Yah, you could do it... but I'm not sure why you are so offended by this. When I worked at CVS we used to ***** about customers all the freaking time. Usually not in front of other customers, but sometimes it happened... and the managers tended to get involved in the discussions.
                            Clerks 2
                            "I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure." - Clarence Darrow
                            "I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it." - Mark Twain


                            • #15
                              I'm also not clear why are you so upset about this.

                              Even if said lady has a Phd, she could be a really annoying costumer that doesn't make up his mind and constantly nags.

                              Obviously being really loud and letting other customers hear it was probably wrong, and the manager should have said something.

                              But letting off steam is important and not illegal.

                              A good course of action, if you're upset, would be to stop buying there.

