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Maternal aggressor finds doughnuts more important than own child

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  • My neighbor just went to the board meeting to determine the fate of her job... Apparently the murderer called my neighbor asking her to go with her.

    Had I known they were close I probably wouldn't of told them how I thought.


    • Originally posted by Shrapnel12
      She forgot because she put it out of her mind because she didn't care enough. That's criminal IMHO.
      It might not be the case that she didn't care, just that she has problems that take up her attention. These types of people don't make good parents. Anyway, it's not criminal. She should probably get some help though.
      I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
      - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


      • Originally posted by lord of the mark

        So youre saying the thousands of people who die in accidedents cause they forgot about a cigarette, or a that the brakes needed fixing, or whatever, are all really suicidal?

        hey, whats with gas companies adding odors to home natural gas? I mean youre gonna remember that you left the gas on, before you light a match, right?

        New motto "Accidents dont happen"
        Not suicidal, but they probably just don't care enough about the potential danger to themselves, thinking "It'll never happen to me." Good parents tend to care more about their children then themselves. Those same people who don't think it'll happen to them, but love their children dearly, probably think everything will happen to their children if they don't protect them properly. Also, those people probably are guilty of neglect, but you can't prosecute them. If you ever take a safety class in the military or some big corporation, you'll learn that almost all accidents are preventable and usually due to someone's carelessness.
        EViiiiiiL!!! - Mermaid Man

