I don't get the western obsession with Tibet, or the hypocrisy of people wringing their hands about "doing business" with the country which is now the engine of the world manufacturing economy, supplying cheap goods which raise living standards for ordinary people around the world.
Well, in fact I do get it. It's old fashioned foreigner-bashing with a respectable icing of moral grandstanding.
As absurd as the story in the OP is, I saw a programme about Tibet recently which gave evidence of modernisation and improved transport and living standards in Tibet. Whether this is an acceptable trade-off for lack of self determination, you'd have to ask the Tibetans - and not just the old ruling class.
Meanwhile Britain still occupies part of Ireland, the USA still occupies part of Mexico, Spain still occupies Catalonia, and so on and so on....
Well, in fact I do get it. It's old fashioned foreigner-bashing with a respectable icing of moral grandstanding.
As absurd as the story in the OP is, I saw a programme about Tibet recently which gave evidence of modernisation and improved transport and living standards in Tibet. Whether this is an acceptable trade-off for lack of self determination, you'd have to ask the Tibetans - and not just the old ruling class.
Meanwhile Britain still occupies part of Ireland, the USA still occupies part of Mexico, Spain still occupies Catalonia, and so on and so on....