So I've started to collect my DVDs again. At one point I sold most my movies but lately I've been getting into it again. Simply because I've had more money, so I can afford buying DVDs. Plus... I
shopping @, they always have some great campagns and if it hits my genre or the things I like, it's time to use the credit card like there's no tomorrow.
So the issue with me is that since there's so many great movies, I'd rather buy the ones on DVD that I REALLY like and want to have. I'll give you an idea about my taste, the last movies I've bought are:
Survive Style 5+
Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance
Sympathy for Lady Vengeance
Hard Boiled
Happiness of Katakuris
Battle Royale I & II
Broken Flowers
Alien Quadrology box (all Alien movies)
Herzog/Kinski box (movies they've done together)
La Haine
These I've ordered within the last month. So you'll get the idea, I like some Korean movies, some Japanese movies... I'm definitely looking to get some more Asian cinema(!!!). Aliens is classic and I like some French cinema as well, I will complete La Haine with Irreversible and Dobermann, so that's the ultimate Cassel trio for me. So I'll continue with DVDs I'm going to get anyway, and based on this info I'd like you to give me recommendations for more stuff. Basically because I like to buy these when they become available on some campagns so I can get good deals (I don't have THAT much money).
French Stuff:
Japanese Stuff:
All Takashi Miike movies basically, Miike is one of my favourites!
Samurai Fiction
Seven Samurai (so some Kurosawa flicks obviously)
Infernal Affairs I, II & III
* here's where I need lots of suggestions. Also more Korean movies! (The Host excluded, I didn't like it).
Some classic comedy:
Charlie Chaplin movies.
Laurel and Hardy movies/shorts.
Buster Keaton movies/shorts.
Harold Lloyd stuff.
Peter Sellers stuff.
Jodorowsky movies (at least El Topo and Holy Mountain)
Few Kubrick movies.
Ok so these are all in my list already.
So this is my taste. Some classics when it comes to comedy, Asian cinema and basically Tartan kind of taste
. The way that helps me the most is if you can recommend me a director. But movies, actors, everything will help.

So the issue with me is that since there's so many great movies, I'd rather buy the ones on DVD that I REALLY like and want to have. I'll give you an idea about my taste, the last movies I've bought are:
Survive Style 5+
Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance
Sympathy for Lady Vengeance
Hard Boiled
Happiness of Katakuris
Battle Royale I & II
Broken Flowers
Alien Quadrology box (all Alien movies)
Herzog/Kinski box (movies they've done together)
La Haine
These I've ordered within the last month. So you'll get the idea, I like some Korean movies, some Japanese movies... I'm definitely looking to get some more Asian cinema(!!!). Aliens is classic and I like some French cinema as well, I will complete La Haine with Irreversible and Dobermann, so that's the ultimate Cassel trio for me. So I'll continue with DVDs I'm going to get anyway, and based on this info I'd like you to give me recommendations for more stuff. Basically because I like to buy these when they become available on some campagns so I can get good deals (I don't have THAT much money).
French Stuff:
Japanese Stuff:
All Takashi Miike movies basically, Miike is one of my favourites!
Samurai Fiction
Seven Samurai (so some Kurosawa flicks obviously)
Infernal Affairs I, II & III
* here's where I need lots of suggestions. Also more Korean movies! (The Host excluded, I didn't like it).
Some classic comedy:
Charlie Chaplin movies.
Laurel and Hardy movies/shorts.
Buster Keaton movies/shorts.
Harold Lloyd stuff.
Peter Sellers stuff.
Jodorowsky movies (at least El Topo and Holy Mountain)
Few Kubrick movies.
Ok so these are all in my list already.
So this is my taste. Some classics when it comes to comedy, Asian cinema and basically Tartan kind of taste
