Ultimately, they've decided they want nothing to do with a Hamas government, cut off all but the barest contact to the outside world and would now have you believe that this is what a Hamas-run government would be like under normal circumstances.
On the contrary, they made clear that all Hamas had to do was accept certain basic conditions, and they would talk to Hamas. Hamas refused, and kept attacking them.
Dunno, that PM they appointed didn't seem particularly blood-thirsty. Israel's response to a Hamas government was to imediately take a hardline that makes it difficult for Hamas to do anything other than maintain a hardline position.
Haniyeh proposed a 20 year truce, in exchange for recognition of a Hamas run state. Thats not moderation. Israel doesnt intend to only survive for 20 years.
Do you honestly think destroying what little was left of the Palestinian economy and starving people will change Hamas's position?
Are you taling about now, or before the Hamas takeover in Gaza. Israel was not starving the Pals, they were refusing to fund the govt, as was the West.
Abbas is still the leader of a horribly corrupt organization, which will horribly mishandle the business of government and we'll get a repeat of the current situation in a few years when next they hold elections.
They intend to hold elections in the next few months. Fatah proposed new elections before the Gaza takeover - Hamas went to war to stop that.
Taking to the streets because you couldn't win at the ballot box? Vocal minorities aren't supposed to get their ways in democracy.
Youre allowed to take the streets in protest, yes.
Esp. when youre asking for basic liberties. Anyway, Gaza under Hamas is no democracy.
BTW, it seems to me that Hamas regularly demonstrated back when THEY lost elections. Hell, they didnt just demonstrate, they created an armed force, sent suicide bombers against Israeli civilians in defiance of the announced policy of the PA govt, etc.