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Polish aggressors siphon £1 billion out of UK economy

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  • Polish aggressors siphon £1 billion out of UK economy

    Health Warning : This story is from the Evening Standard, owned by Associated Newspapers, said to be the most evil newspaper group in the entire universe.

    Polish immigrants sent home almost £1billion in the first three months of this year, it has been revealed

    The cash taken out of the UK economy would otherwise have been spent in shops, restaurants and other businesses here.

    The figures, compiled by the National Bank of Poland, showed that £1.1 billion was sent back from Western Europe to family members living in the former Eastern Bloc country since January.

    More than three-quarters of the total is thought to be from Britain, where the majority of Polish migrants moved following the expansion of the EU in


    This means that the total siphoned out of the UK economy is somewhere between £825 million and £1 billion - a rise of around a quarter on the same period last year .

    It is the equivalent of up to £2,500 sent home by each one of the 400,000 Poles living in Britain.

    Although the sum is too small to dent the health of the British economy, MPs warned that it could begin to have an impact if the trend continues.

    Businesses will be forced to tighten their belts if cash paid out in wages is being sent out of the country, rather than spent here.

    Tory MP James Clappison said: "This is yet another consequence of Eastern European migration which the Government failed to predict.

    "It has to raise question marks over whether there will be an employment effect here. The Government has not done proper research on that."

    The Polish bank said the amount of money being sent back to its economy from Western Europe was a 26 per cent increase on the corresponding quarter of 2006.

    The figures were revealed as a Polish newspaper this week published a guide to working in the EU, advising potential migrants to head to Britain.

    The daily Dziennik said there are more opportunities here than in countries such as Spain or Italy, where only backbreaking fruit picking at paltry wages is available.

    It also pointed out that other EU countries imposed restrictions on new immigrants, in many cases until 2009.

    Britain's "open door" policy has seen the number of arrivals from the eight countries, which joined in May 2004, reach 630,000.

    Earlier this week, Poles were blamed for a shortage of £50 notes in Britain. It is claimed they are sending notes home, leaving the Bank of England with insufficient numbers in circulation.

  • #2


    "Earlier this week, Poles were blamed for a shortage of £50 notes in Britain. It is claimed they are sending notes home, leaving the Bank of England with insufficient numbers in circulation."

    Poles deciding what to do with their own money


    • #3
      We should ban Britons going abroad on holiday. They are spending billions abroad on useless trinkets alone (souvenirs).
      One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


      • #4
        Britain is becoming polish-exploited colony
        "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
        I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
        Middle East!


        • #5
          That Nationalist hit piece in the OP didn't notice the amount of increased tax revenue immigrants bring or the lower inflation rate cheap labor provides for people who aren't competing with them for low end jobs.

          In the US we've spent decades going round and round about with low skilled workers contribute more then then cost in social services. The majority have concluded that they're a net positive because they lower inflation, increase the tax base, and provide needed population growth.

          Face it, even if these people are an economic wash the UK needs more workers and population growth. Poles are just about the best type of immigrant the UK can expect to find. They're young, they're Europeans, they're from a Christian background, they're mostly educated, and they're willing to work cheap. In a generation or two they'll look, sound, and dress exactly like every other native Briton. No big worries about long term racial tensions or similiar problems. The UK should let in every Pole and other eastern European who wants in and if the elites want to complain about the foreigners then they'll be doing it while a Polish plumber is unclogging their toilet and while a Polish worker is doing the dishes at his favorite restaurant. In a generation those Poles working low end jobs will be working the same jobs as everyone else in the UK.
          Try for discussion and debate.


          • #6
            Also Polish women are hot and the UK needs all the hot women it can get.
            Try for discussion and debate.


            • #7
              I worked with a few Polish women. One was very nice looking, and a very good friend at the time.

              People who insult other people's womenfolk are total scum though, no doubt about it.


              • #8
                The majority have concluded that they're a net positive because they lower inflation, increase the tax base, and provide needed population growth.

                Priceless if I assume you are talking about illegals, which I am 100% sure you are.
                "The DPRK is still in a state of war with the U.S. It's called a black out." - Che explaining why orbital nightime pictures of NK show few lights. Seriously.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Dauphin
                  We should ban Britons going abroad on holiday. They are spending billions abroad on useless trinkets alone (souvenirs).
                  Work is underway in this department, I think. Air travel is the new smoking.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Oerdin
                    In the US we've spent decades going round and round about with low skilled workers contribute more then then cost in social services. The majority have concluded that they're a net positive because they lower inflation, increase the tax base, and provide needed population growth.
                    US =/ UK in this regard. You have lower tax, less public services paid for by the taxpayer and less of an extreme demand for land. I agree, immigration in the US is generally of a positive effect. I'm a lot less inclined to agree that it has for the UK as well.

                    The last thing the UK, in the long term, needs is population growth.
                    For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
                    But he would think of something

                    "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


                    • #11
                      Getting college educated workers is almost always a plus and most Poles have college educations. They help improve economic growth. Plus in a generation or two people will intermarry and you wan't be able to tell someone who is half polish from someone who is entirely British in ancestry. They'll all look, talk, and dress alike. In the mean time British people will be able to enjoy lower inflation from the labor of immigrants. Enjoy having cheaper food and services provided by people willing to work cheaply. That really does spur more economic development.
                      Try for discussion and debate.


                      • #12
                        Oerdin, do you have any idea of the housing crisis in the UK at the moment?

                        Because of excessive environmental and socially-responsible red tape, plus a big dose of NIMBYism, nowhere near enough houses are being built, with the result that there is a chronic shortage of accomodation, which combined with low-tax status for the ultra-rich, buy-to-let sharks, and massive city bonuses, are driving house prices out of control, and cutting living standards to the bone for millions of people.

                        I'm in favour of immigration in principal, but there comes a point where infrastructure has to keep pace, and it's not happening here at the moment.

                        The problem isn't some backward, bigotted, nationalistic prejudice against 'furrenrers', but a matter of logistics.

                        Britain isn't enjoying lower inflation, bucause house prices have risen in some places by 10% in six months. That is NOT low inflation, and it is not enjoyable (other than for the rich).


                        • #13
                          Theres not a shortage of places to live, is there? look at the london gumtree

                          Tory MP James Clappison said: "This is yet another consequence of Eastern European migration which the Government failed to predict.

                          Did they really not see this coming? yeah, i doubt it

                          Originally posted by Oerdin
                          That Nationalist hit piece in the OP didn't notice the amount of increased tax revenue immigrants bring or the lower inflation rate cheap labor provides for people who aren't competing with them for low end jobs.
                          There are some jobs to be filled by immigrants, but immigrant blue collar workers are undermining existing industries by offering cheaper labour as they are happy to accept a lower quality of life than native workers. This has an immediate effect on hard working Britons who have to cut the cost of their quotes to stay in business, and accept a lower quality of life, thanks to european immigration. Their kids are going to grow up hating Poles and immigrants as their parents will be naturally pissed off they dont have the income they used to.
                          Safer worlds through superior firepower


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Drogue

                            US =/ UK in this regard. You have lower tax, less public services paid for by the taxpayer and less of an extreme demand for land. I agree, immigration in the US is generally of a positive effect. I'm a lot less inclined to agree that it has for the UK as well.

                            The last thing the UK, in the long term, needs is population growth.
                            Yes the US and UK are so different

                            As to the OP, this would not be a problem, IF the UK ran a trade surplus with Poland to about the size of the remittances.

                            And As to the low skilled labor being great, that is of course why the third world, choking on its cheap labor, is in such excellent condition huh?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Cort Haus
                              I worked with a few Polish women. One was very nice looking, and a very good friend at the time.

                              People who insult other people's womenfolk are total scum though, no doubt about it.
                              You're a pimp?

