Are you?
I am.
I know my future for the next 3 years and have secured salary for that time period. So, uncertain factors have been removed and I can enjoy stuff. It's summer, that's awesome. There's sun and warmth. There's good parties ahead as well. So why would I not be happy? I also appreciate stuff now more than before. I appreciate such things as having the company of good friends more. Not like I didn't do that before, it's just that I appreciate it more. We've come to a point where we usually say "thanks for your company" and it's natural. We never used to say that. But we just feel lucky to be able to maintain the old crew and do our traditional things even today. Usually friends break up a bit with their jobs and families, but it seems we are still going strong. We just have more money to party
So we have cool parties, plus we are starting to do more traveling together as well. Planning a trip, going to SEA. Cool stuff
So why wouldn't I be happy, I have solved professional problems for the time being, I have great friends, it's summer and there's always a party to look forward... awesome.
I hope you're happy as well.
I am.
I know my future for the next 3 years and have secured salary for that time period. So, uncertain factors have been removed and I can enjoy stuff. It's summer, that's awesome. There's sun and warmth. There's good parties ahead as well. So why would I not be happy? I also appreciate stuff now more than before. I appreciate such things as having the company of good friends more. Not like I didn't do that before, it's just that I appreciate it more. We've come to a point where we usually say "thanks for your company" and it's natural. We never used to say that. But we just feel lucky to be able to maintain the old crew and do our traditional things even today. Usually friends break up a bit with their jobs and families, but it seems we are still going strong. We just have more money to party

So why wouldn't I be happy, I have solved professional problems for the time being, I have great friends, it's summer and there's always a party to look forward... awesome.
I hope you're happy as well.