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So this is global warming is it.. 9c maximum, coldest test match, -3c in Scotland

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  • #16
    Weather != climate.

    Talking about strange weather, it's been absurdly wet around here this spring.


    • #17


      • #18
        Didn't you see the "Day After?" Global warming means it gets colder.
        I saw it, and the 3 "hurricanes" as the mechanism was

        The Gulfstream doesn't shut down, it migrates north and south. The air masses/winds coming off North America keep W Europe warmer. Ice advances are driven by orbital cycles, not cold fresh water entering the oceans. Thanks to the fact the Earth reached its maximum tilt ~7,000 years ago and is still closer to the max than the minimum, the northern hemisphere is experiencing warmer weather. When the tilt is near the minimum, then the ice sheets grow. Fluctuations, like the mini ice age, may have several causes which include melting ice and volcanic activity, but the motor driving the ice age is bigger than where warm Atlantic water starts sinking.

        regardless of what we do to the atmosphere today, people will need a greenhouse atmosphere when the Earth's tilt approaches the minimum in a few thousand years.


        • #19
          La Nina development has stalled, so any call of that is premature, so is any call of global warming as iceland and greenland are still much colder than they were 1000 years ago during the Viking heyday


          • #20
            This is why they call it Climate Change rather than global warming these days.
            Jon Miller: MikeH speaks the truth
            Jon Miller: MikeH is a shockingly revolting dolt and a masturbatory urine-reeking sideshow freak whose word is as valuable as an aging cow paddy.
            We've got both kinds


            • #21
              Originally posted by trev
              so is any call of global warming as iceland and greenland are still much colder than they were 1000 years ago during the Viking heyday

