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So this is global warming is it.. 9c maximum, coldest test match, -3c in Scotland

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  • So this is global warming is it.. 9c maximum, coldest test match, -3c in Scotland

    Yes this month we've so far had the coldest ever test match (cricket), Scotland last night narrowly avoided its coldest mid-June night by 1c and the forecast for here today is a single digit maxima.

    Where's all the CO2 gone

    I thought climate models predicted hotter, drier summers. Well it's like monsoon season at the moment but without the heat. 0-1 to the GCMs

  • #2
    This is actually good news. If the climate models are getting things wrong so soon after their forecasts, the apocalypse for in 50 years time can be discounted.

    Emit on


    • #3
      *waits for Mobe to call La Nina*


      • #4
        the ice is melting, cold fresh water is pouring into the N Atlantic keeping y'all cool

        or not


        • #5
          Didn't you see the "Day After?" Global warming means it gets colder.
          I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
          - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


          • #6
            Originally posted by Doddler
            *waits for Mobe to call La Nina*
            No. I'll just laugh at your childish reasoning that even if for example in a given year it was unseasonably hot for 364 years of the year, you'd jump on the one cold day as proof the theory was wrong...
            Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


            • #7
              Take Wales now for example, hardly known for its hot sunny days...

              Hot sunny days since god knows when and average temps for the next five days 5o C above the June average (the last week has been +5-10o)! I am struggling to recall how many days of rain there's been here since the beginning of April, but I doubt it's over single digits - in what is supposed to be one of the wetter parts of the country!

              I came back from Lanzarote before last weekend, and the Fri/Sat were hotter in Cardiff than back there...
              Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


              • #8
                Doddler is awesome. You can explain that averages are different from absolute temperatures a million times and he's still to dense to grasp the concept.
                Try for discussion and debate.


                • #9
                  Just wait till the gulfstream shuts down, then it'll be cold!

                  *Climate* *Change*


                  • #10
                    Well I'm hoping it all balances out...
                    Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Blake
                      Just wait till the gulfstream shuts down, then it'll be cold!

                      *Climate* *Change*
                      Blake knows what he is talking about.

                      While the overall temperature of the globe is warming, the heating is not uniform. Most spots are warming, but some are cooling. Some parts get draughts; some get floods. That's why people "in the know" refer to global warming as "climate change."

                      As Berzerker points out, melting ice caps are changing the salinity of the Atlantic. Eventually, this will prevent warm water from sinking in the North Atlantic and will close down the Gulf Stream. When that happens, you Europeans prepare yourselves for a mini-iceage at least a couple of centuries long.


                      • #12
                        Global Warming leads to an ice age?


                        • #13
                          But only in Europe.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Japher
                            Global Warming leads to an ice age?
                            Yes, and not just in Europe. Fresh water is less dense then salt water so if you get large quantities of Fresh water entering the oceans it take a long time to mix. In fact cold fresh water is still less dense then warm salt water so the gulf stream is denser then melting glacier water off of the Greenland Ice Sheet or the Artic ice caps. The end result is that instead of warm water being transmitted to Europe from the gulf stream you have a large body of cold water. This creates massive climate cooling and results in a chain reaction where you get a mini-ice age or possibly a real ice age.

                            Depending upon how bad the cooling is it will spill over to other areas and as snow builds up you will find the entire northern hemisphere experiencing cooling due to the build up of ice.
                            Try for discussion and debate.


                            • #15
                              So, the possibility of year round skiing in upstate NY might not be out of the question!?

