Just bought myself a nice bike. Its about 800$ cdn in stores, but I got a great deal. I got it at cost price: 499$. And yes, its new. I received it today by mail. I took it at a bike shop and they'll assemble it for me for about 40 bucks. Can't wait to try it out! Montreal is a cyclist-friendly town, too.
Its a hybrid, a Louis Garneau Urbania Sport. I'm not knowledgable about all this, but here are the highlights:
- Aluminium frame
- Carbon wheels (IIRC)
- Disk brakes (What next? ABS? )
Its a hybrid, a Louis Garneau Urbania Sport. I'm not knowledgable about all this, but here are the highlights:
- Aluminium frame
- Carbon wheels (IIRC)
- Disk brakes (What next? ABS? )