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Why the world is a better place than before

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  • Originally posted by Flubber

    I think you are inferring intent I do not have. While I think that some people on here have been a bit idealistic about how good a HG lifestyle would be, I can't be assed to do the research to dispute them.
    What do you think you will find doing research? We aren't being idealistic we are reporting the findings of archaeologists. Really, I'm failing to see if you have a point besides saying that we are being idealistic, and that's simply not true.
    I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
    - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


    • Here's the thing.

      1) They didn't have boses.

      2) They worked at least 25% less than we do, and it was work like picking berries, not police officer, teacher things like that which can be very stressfull.

      3) They probably didn't have a lot of social pressures, at first anyway, they could pretty much say what they wanted to and do what they wanted to.

      In short, they were pretty dang free.

      Now I'm not idealizing it, because as I've already said that it sucked because they didn't have health care and other things. But if you want to agrue than feel free to argue one of those points, instead of this silliness of repeatedly saying that I'm just idealizing it. And as LotM as so briliantly pointed out it's nothing like being homeless at all. We have no such choice to make that is anything like it at all.


      Oh and 4) they didn't have to wait in line at the DMV. That is all.
      I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
      - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


      • Ok, now #4 I'll give you.

        grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

        The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


        • Originally posted by lord of the mark

          1. Its not the knowledge of the modern way of life thats the problem. Its the LACK of knowledge of the HG way of life. I suppose I could learn to tell which plants are poisonous, with some study. Learning to hunt well with bow and arrow would be harder. Learning how to get along with folks in a tiny band, might be close to impossible for someone who hasnt grown up that way. This is esp true as the choice of HG niches is so narrow. One hears of cases of whites going native with HG tribes in North America in the 19th c, but most of that was in areas where HG lifestyles are no longer possible (not enough wild bison anymore , for ex)
          Again I thought that that would go without saying
          You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


          • Oh and kid I don't see any need to dispute your HG views. I think you paint a rosy picture but even if you are right, I don't care . You see I think its pretty much a given that a HG of 40000 years ago had no choice but to be a HG. They knew no other life.

            In the here and now , people have lots of choices . I can choose to work hard and accumulate more stuff if thats what I like OR I can drop out and sit on a street corner and eat of the charity of others if I want. I can pretty much live as urban or as rural as I want and choose if I want anywhere from millions of people around me down to going somewhere alone.

            Bottom line is that there are a wide variety of manners of living today and many of them suit me personally very well. So I think things are better today.

            Someone else might see a one lifestyle ( such as HG) as being the ultimate and thus think things were better then. I can understand that even if I don't agree with it

            I do find it interesting that some people can think that sitting around all day with little to do is the ideal but hey, different strokes for different folks. If it was as easy as kid says, I suspect it could be boring. But I enjoy challenges. I don't find it that terribele to have to expend effort for pay for a number of hours a day-- but I usually enjoy solving the legals puzzles presented to me

            I wonder is there any possible comment there in the personalities of a cap versus a com ??
            You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


            • Originally posted by Flubber
              Oh and kid I don't see any need to dispute your HG views. I think you paint a rosy picture but even if you are right, I don't care . You see I think its pretty much a given that a HG of 40000 years ago had no choice but to be a HG. They knew no other life.
              So what? I don't know other lives that exist in the future and that doesn't bother me.
              In the here and now , people have lots of choices . I can choose to work hard and accumulate more stuff if thats what I like OR I can drop out and sit on a street corner and eat of the charity of others if I want. I can pretty much live as urban or as rural as I want and choose if I want anywhere from millions of people around me down to going somewhere alone.
              Of course you could live like a normal person and live neither of those lives, and just try to get by. I don't know if you thought of that.

              Bottom line is that there are a wide variety of manners of living today and many of them suit me personally very well. So I think things are better today.
              Well, as it's been said, a lot of the time we think that living a different way would make us unhappy, but we really don't know because we really can't picture living like that. We've been socially conditioned to live in our own society. The idea of living a stress free life is like living in hell for you maybe, but not to people who live like that.

              I do find it interesting that some people can think that sitting around all day with little to do is the ideal but hey, different strokes for different folks. If it was as easy as kid says, I suspect it could be boring. But I enjoy challenges. I don't find it that terribele to have to expend effort for pay for a number of hours a day-- but I usually enjoy solving the legals puzzles presented to me
              Boring really isn't that bad. Boring really is a part of life, no matter what time period you live in. I suspect that 1000 years from now people will still be bored.
              I wonder is there any possible comment there in the personalities of a cap versus a com ??
              I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
              - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


              • Originally posted by Kidicious

                Boring really isn't that bad. Boring really is a part of life, no matter what time period you live in. I suspect that 1000 years from now people will still be bored.

                I'm almost never bored unless stuck in a situation where I really can't do anything. I do chess or sudoku puzzles in the dentist waiting room or while watching my son at the playground. and my job is rarely boring.
                You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                • Originally posted by Kidicious

                  So what? I don't know other lives that exist in the future and that doesn't bother me.
                  Nor does it bother me. My point is that there is more choice in lifestyles now as compared to 40000 years ago. I think that is a pretty basic and undisputed fact.

                  I like choices and since several of them seem more appealing to me than even the rosiest picture of a HG lifestyle, I choose NOW as a better time to live than than. There will probably be better times in the future but that doesn't concern me.
                  You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                  • Originally posted by Kidicious

                    Of course you could live like a normal person and live neither of those lives, and just try to get by. I don't know if you thought of that.
                    People respirate. I don't know if you ever thought of that.

                    No need to be snarky when stating something so stupefyingly obvious. There are also probably ten thousand variations on modern life possible right now with each to the ten thousand more varied than any HG could ever conceive
                    You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                    • Originally posted by Kidicious

                      JUst a sideways allusion to the cap-com debates when you kept saying I had called you lazy when I hadn't. I shoulda sused a smiley AND been less subtle

                      BUt I do find it intriguing that you see as an ideal a world where you get to sit on your ass and do nothing but laze around for the bulk of the day. I can understand not wanting to work for someone else but the way you seem to idealize pure idleness makes me uynderstand how different our perspectives are and why I rarely can conceptually understand your political views

                      I get stir crazy-- and want to do something!!
                      You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                      • I've spent a lot of time talking to homeless people on the beaches of SoCal. It's definitely not a HG lifestyle, or one I'd be interested in. HG in the right climate could actually have been a rather nice life, certainly one that appeals to me far more than modern urban living.

                        I've actually been considering buying a sailboat and finding the right island in the S Pacific, if such still exist, to pretend I'm a castaway on. I'd miss indoor plumbing and toilet paper (and pirates could really suck). Other than that, if there was a fresh water source, good fishing, and some assortment of fruits available, I think it would be a rather enjoyable lifestyle.

                        I don't think it would be easier, far from it, but I do think it would be better. It's not like my current life is very stressful. I do have to input some temperature data once a day, takes about 30 seconds. (I could just automate that, but I'm too lazy.) Outside that it's free time.


                        • Originally posted by Aeson

                          I don't think it would be easier, far from it, but I do think it would be better. It's not like my current life is very stressful. I do have to input some temperature data once a day, takes about 30 seconds. (I could just automate that, but I'm too lazy.) Outside that it's free time.
                          why do you have to input temperature data?


                          • It's for fireblight and codling moth models. Gives fruit growers in the area an idea when they need to address those concerns based on accumulated degree days/hours.


                            • Originally posted by Flubber

                              People respirate. I don't know if you ever thought of that.

                              No need to be snarky when stating something so stupefyingly obvious. There are also probably ten thousand variations on modern life possible right now with each to the ten thousand more varied than any HG could ever conceive
                              Variations yes, but the way you make it out to be someone wakes up and decides to be homeless or a millionaire. That's very strange to me, just like having to do something 24 hours a day. I just wake up and go to work, or if I don't have a job I go and look for a job. I take the best job I can find. To me it's a lot like picking the best place to pick berries for a primative man. Normal people don't say, hey I think I'll be rich today, or hey I think I'll go dive a dumpster today. They generally dive a dumpster cause they are pretty nuts I think, and being rich is something everyont want but not everyone gets.

                              Yes, we certainly have different perspectives Flubber, you are very strange to me, and I thought that you were starting to see how ridiculous you were being by comparing the homeless lifestyle to hg lifestyle but you keep trying to do it somehow.
                              Last edited by Kidlicious; April 26, 2007, 06:29.
                              I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
                              - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


                              • Originally posted by Flubber

                                JUst a sideways allusion to the cap-com debates when you kept saying I had called you lazy when I hadn't. I shoulda sused a smiley AND been less subtle

                                BUt I do find it intriguing that you see as an ideal a world where you get to sit on your ass and do nothing but laze around for the bulk of the day. I can understand not wanting to work for someone else but the way you seem to idealize pure idleness makes me uynderstand how different our perspectives are and why I rarely can conceptually understand your political views
                                Ugh, then you kept calling me lazy and saying you weren't. In fact you are still doing it.

                                In addition you now keep saying that I am idealizing something when I'm just pointing out the good points of it. I've told you already that the ideal would be to live like you were in an hg world and have modern conveniences. However, that is probably because I was born into a world with modern things. If I were born into an hg world I don't think I would miss them, just like I don't miss things that exist in the future.
                                I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
                                - Justice Brett Kavanaugh

