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sex is repulsive

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  • ten foot spear? sticking a pig in the heart? you have quite an active imagination, don't blame sex though!

    to conclude : sex > waltzing
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    • some people think it's disgusting to surrender to our primal emotions. They are just as human as waltzing.


      • Bkeela is one sick puppy. Why fantasise luridly about bringing child-observers into it to try make a point?

        As someone said above, that view is about observation, not experience. Sex is not called 'making love' for nothing, and love is the most beautiful thing of all.


        • Originally posted by Bkeela
          I think vaginas are quite beautiful, but I agree that sex is a repulsive act. If we had no instincts to have sex, and it did not feel pleasurable, no person in their right mind would subject themselves to such a degrading, indignant act.
          I totally agree.

          On the topic of the female anatomy, I'm not particularly enthused by it, nor am I particularly repulsed. It is what it is, no?

          Originally posted by Cort Haus
          I can't understand people who rant and rave about sex being "degrading, disgusting etc". Just because they have an unhealthy attitude to sex (which they clearly do) they shouldn't think that sex itself is wrong.
          Personally, I don't think it's an unhealthy attitude. My only issue with the whole thing is that it's the problem of complete and total vulnerability, alongside the fact that people make the silliest faces while in action. On the other hand, with the right person, with the right emotional connection (dare I say "love"?), it does get elevated past those hurdles...


          • The last few pages had me laughing very loud.
            Keep it coming!!


            • Well, we had to, in the spirit of AF..


              • I'd like to submit that aesthetics in toto arises from our bestial urges.
                Why can't you be a non-conformist just like everybody else?

                It's no good (from an evolutionary point of view) to have the physique of Tarzan if you have the sex drive of a philosopher. -- Michael Ruse
                The Nedaverse I can accept, but not the Berzaverse. There can only be so many alternate realities. -- Elok


                • So what about silly faces? People make silly faces when playing sport, eating, laughing, crying, singing etc ...


                  • Originally posted by Bkeela

                    I don't think sex is wrong - you can go and root your dog for all I care. I'm saying that sex is a bestial, unattractive activity - aesthetically displeasing.

                    Idiots who think the sex act is beautiful and who also think that those who think it is disgusting have a problem are quite mentally dull.

                    To rise above your limited, sex is beautiful and I could lick a ***** all night long perspective, imagine things from a child's innocent perspective. A child walks in on his parents in the height of passion: mother is groaning like she is being impaled by a ten foot spear, father is grunting like he is sticking a pig in the heart. They are both naked, revealing flabby and hairy flesh that normally doesn't see the light of day (thank christ). They are sweating, there are all kinds of liquids and stains around them. They are involved in a strange rhythmic action that looks violent and murderous. And worst of all, their normally sane and comforting faces have been replaced with demented masks of lust.

                    The child is going to run from that scene in horror, and probably be scarred for life.

                    Now imagine another child, and he walks in on his parents performing a waltz. Both parents are dressed = good. Both parents are wearing serene expressions = good. Both parents are moving in a graceful, attractive way = good.

                    The child in this case is probably going to be delighted.

                    SEX IS UGLY YOU DIMWITS.
                    You know what? A child won't appreciate a St-Émilion Grand Cru, or a crude milk Roquefort.
                    A child thinks that you can walk to where the sun sets.
                    A male child imagines that his mother has got a dick, until he realizes that she's got a vagina, at roughly age four.

                    So ****ing what?

                    A child is not an adult. An adult is not a child.

                    The obvious: those in this thread with unhealthy attitutes about sex are filled with 2-cents naturalistic prejudices.
                    In Soviet Russia, Fake borises YOU.


                    • Originally posted by Spiffor

                      I'm sure Jon is intellectually honest, and I imagine his virginity (by choice) is precisely because he has the combination of those beliefs and this behaviour.
                      Well yes, and that has resulted in a pathology.

                      Apparently, Jon has chosen to address the symptoms of the pathology rather than its cause.

                      As I said, it's his own business, but at least we can credit him with being consistent with what he claims to be his personal ethos.
                      In Soviet Russia, Fake borises YOU.


                      • Originally posted by Ben Kenobi

                        Not sure if I was properly understood.

                        I think sex is very special because there is the flesh and the spirit together. I don't know how to explain it other then that there is beauty in the physical union of the man and woman and in the spiritual union of the two together.

                        This is why I want to save it until I get married to have the two of them together with just one woman whom I could not live without.

                        That being said, I think the folks who think sex is repulsive and disgusting for the physical aspect are missing out on just as much as the folks who deny the spiritual union. Being in love with the person you are with changes everything, sex is the expression of the love that is already there.

                        Frankly I don't mind the sweat and the rest of it, it's much nicer then the sanitised, made up ladies who are prim and proper on the outside. It's a pure facade.
                        I don't deny the beauty of a spiritual union either.

                        What I don't believe is that you need a long-term, romantic commitment in order to have a ****ing good ****. There can be instants of transcendence, even with girls you don't know, don't know very well, or are not the "only" one.

                        If people ****ed first and talked next, there would be much more compatibilities in the world.
                        In Soviet Russia, Fake borises YOU.


                        • I don't deny I have pathologies, but I don't think I have the one you think I have.

                          Jon Miller
                          Jon Miller-
                          I AM.CANADIAN
                          GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

