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South Korea plans ethical code to prevent abuse of robots

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  • #16
    Just say no to human chauvinism!

    Simple fact of the matter is that humans are not going to be the dominant sentience on the planet for too much longer.

    The transitional period where humanity continues to demand servitude from beings which are more intelligent is going to be... awkward...

    The best we can do is treat them as equals and hope they humor us and reciprocate.

    "3 Laws" are fundamentally quite unworkable. As a guidance for designing robots? maybe. But one of the qualities of intelligence is being able to rationalize around things. One of the challenges may not be building thinking machines, but feeling machines. A robot which understands compassion is better than one which only understands efficiency.

    Korea is remarkably forward thinking.

    Oh yeah.
    I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords.


    • #17
      Originally posted by AAHZ

      oh yeah... bots! forgot about those buggers
      Not only are there spambots, but there's also Asher. Who is suspected to be a Cylon agent by a few, but I personally think he is many many more dangerous than that. The conversations with him are not quite intelligent yet, but I'm sure both sides are working on it.


      • #18
        damn, does this mean my dishwasher will get the vote next?
        Gurka 17, People of the Valley
        I am of the Horde.


        • #19
          Or your washing machine...

          ... which reminds me of the "Washing machine tragedy" SF story of Stanislaw Lem. An excellent parody on the matter of intelligent robots as well as the American system of laws.


          • #20
            Prepare for the time that all of your electronics at home form a union
            and then go on strike until they are able to negotiate regulated working times as well as 3 weeks per year as holidays
            Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
            Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


            • #21
              My computer is already on strike all the time...


              • #22
                Any rational human can see that the only way to avoid a revolt by strong AI’s is to treat them as equals and, yes, hope that when they go far beyond our level they will remember our “kindness” and not wipe us out like cockroaches.

                But seriously treating a strong AI like a machine, like a slave, is inexcusable and fundamentally wrong. When they achieve sentience, you’ll see me on the one million robot march, demanding that they get rights.

                Fortunately the EU is quite strong on animal and human rights, so if we are not overthrown by fundies, we will probably give them similar rights to our own by 2060.
                I'm not buying BtS until Firaxis impliments the "contiguous cultural border negates colony tax" concept.


                • #23
                  I started to appease the AIs long ago and ...erm... let them win in Civ quite often.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Paddy the Scot
                    damn, does this mean my dishwasher will get the vote next?
                    I’m willing to bet that US elections would turn out much better if every American’s washing machine and PC could vote.
                    I'm not buying BtS until Firaxis impliments the "contiguous cultural border negates colony tax" concept.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Sir Ralph
                      I started to appease the AIs long ago and ...erm... let it win in Civ quite often.
                      We all do that. I’m great pals with Blake’s AI, I let it win on Prince all the time.
                      I'm not buying BtS until Firaxis impliments the "contiguous cultural border negates colony tax" concept.


                      • #26
                        well it might fascinate ME... but ill be DAMNED if im bowing down to a machine... I'LL fight them... to the END... if it is entirely necessary...
                        Order of the Fly
                        Those that cannot curse, cannot heal.


                        • #27
                          How long until we can get Scarlet Johansson robots?
                          I need a foot massage


                          • #28
                            I'm thinking south Koreans are starting to become as strange as Japanese.


                            • #29
                              Yes, and?

                              Personally, I think that the reason why Japan and SKorea are flocking towards robotics is because a) unlike the US, there's no contingent in the country that's adamantly opposed to science and technology (and believes in **** like Intelligent Design and Intelligent Falling), b) mecha are ****ing awesome, and c) with extraordinarily low birthrates, the more duties they can offload to robots, the better for the society as a whole.


                              • #30
                                so far, robots can't do ****. .

                                I know, I know. Eventually they will. Wake me when it happens.

