Originally posted by Asher
I "maneuvered" away from the discussion because the person I sniped at conceded. You are now the only person thinking word definitions are unrelated to dictionaries.
I "maneuvered" away from the discussion because the person I sniped at conceded. You are now the only person thinking word definitions are unrelated to dictionaries.
Asher debating 101 - the person you argue with goes to watch TV and in his absence you declare he has conceded the debate and agrees with you.
Especially since by saying that I have conceded, you must agree with my statement. I know it was phrased rather wittily and perhaps went over your comp sci head, but if you agree with my statement it seems you are the one who has conceded.
You said:
The dictionary comment was directed at Ozzy who believes dictionaries have no purpose, as words mean whatever we define them to mean.
So yes, words mean whatever we want them to mean, and every so often we'll write that down into a dictionary, and then rewrite it again a few years later. Appealing to the higher wisdom of dictionaries is pretty meaningless.
Thank you Asher for conceding to me.