Ladies, ladies, ladies! We're supposed to succinctly describe the Presidential candidates, not bicker about Obama this and Edwards that.
Anyway, about the other Presidential candidates.
Hillary has the best chance of winning, because she can use the network of connections her husband built, and Repugs pretty much just crap their pants when they see her. (FOX News is trying to push Obama for that reason.)
Mitt Romney is a Mormon. If he is elected, some fear he will bow to the Mormon-Pope, making the US a vassal state to Salt Lake City. Just kidding.
Dennis Kucinich is just solidly a nut. He has done some remarkable things, but you throw enough darts in the dark and one will hit a bullseye.
Rudy Giuliana is probably too socially liberal for most Republicans to stomach. He'd be a nobody if not for the 9/11 attacks.
John McCain has missed his wave of opportunity and is now slamming into the wall of backlash, deservedly. He is officially dead in the water and certifiably a hack, which is sad, because a few years ago we all thought he was sugar and candy canes and rainbows and fairies.
I don't know much about the others, except that Ralph Nader has outlived his usefulness and should be out promoting more safety regulations instead of running again for President and sucking a few votes off of the Dems.
Anyway, about the other Presidential candidates.
Hillary has the best chance of winning, because she can use the network of connections her husband built, and Repugs pretty much just crap their pants when they see her. (FOX News is trying to push Obama for that reason.)
Mitt Romney is a Mormon. If he is elected, some fear he will bow to the Mormon-Pope, making the US a vassal state to Salt Lake City. Just kidding.
Dennis Kucinich is just solidly a nut. He has done some remarkable things, but you throw enough darts in the dark and one will hit a bullseye.
Rudy Giuliana is probably too socially liberal for most Republicans to stomach. He'd be a nobody if not for the 9/11 attacks.
John McCain has missed his wave of opportunity and is now slamming into the wall of backlash, deservedly. He is officially dead in the water and certifiably a hack, which is sad, because a few years ago we all thought he was sugar and candy canes and rainbows and fairies.
I don't know much about the others, except that Ralph Nader has outlived his usefulness and should be out promoting more safety regulations instead of running again for President and sucking a few votes off of the Dems.