Originally posted by Sirotnikov
Sorry about earlier.
I won't DanS, though.
GePap - as much as you do have what appears to be a wide amount of knowledge about lots of different stuff - your knowledge is often skin deep and inexact. It usually supports a very certain world view, and you never question it.
You never take into account something other than your opinion, so eventually arguing with you is pointless and little fun.
I do admit you know lots of trivia and make good judgements in general. Some of what you say makes me dwell deeper into issues and research and analyze my facts.
Sadly though, it appears I'm the only one doing that effort, and you simply dismiss anything said that doesn't fit your POV.
I'll simply refrain from discussing with you. I'll post my POV. You'll post yours.
Hope we meet in +1 threads.
Sorry about earlier.
I won't DanS, though.
GePap - as much as you do have what appears to be a wide amount of knowledge about lots of different stuff - your knowledge is often skin deep and inexact. It usually supports a very certain world view, and you never question it.
You never take into account something other than your opinion, so eventually arguing with you is pointless and little fun.
I do admit you know lots of trivia and make good judgements in general. Some of what you say makes me dwell deeper into issues and research and analyze my facts.
Sadly though, it appears I'm the only one doing that effort, and you simply dismiss anything said that doesn't fit your POV.
I'll simply refrain from discussing with you. I'll post my POV. You'll post yours.
Hope we meet in +1 threads.

You are pretty good at ignoring other viewpoint as well. In fact, I fail to think when you have ever changed your viewpoint about this issue, not that I expect you to, regardless of when given evidence, like, that Human Rights Wacth report, but then of course, that is hardly a reputable organization, right?
I have seen nothing in this thread posted that would make me rethink the notion that Hezbollah emerged from the August War in a better political position than before, certainly amongst the Shia in Southern Lebanon. And nothing is going to change me stance on the whole Israel-Palestinian mess. Core values, such as a belief in the centrality of fundamental rights granted to individuals, NOT to groups, are not going to change, and it is that core belief that informs my view of the ME. Obviously you hold a fundamentally different belief with regards to where rights should be allocated. Fine, whatever.
I on my side won't stop speaking with anyone unless they hold beliefs I find repulsive, like Winston. So, you don't want to argue, thats fine. I will pick up the conversation whenever you decide to pick it back up.