The Mayan calander ends on Dec errr....27th 2012. It must, I saw it on TV. The speculation of the program was that this would be the end of the world. I enjoyed the show, it was better than 'The Attack of the 50 ft Woman' that was my second choice. I really prefer petite women.
So then I recently watched a program on the bible code. Interesting! Much better than the flick about the Blob that attacks a ski resort. Not my thing, I don't ski.
All sorts of interesting predictions in the bible including...
The world ends in 2012!
That's almost exactly when we plan on retiring full time. It's just not fair.
So then I recently watched a program on the bible code. Interesting! Much better than the flick about the Blob that attacks a ski resort. Not my thing, I don't ski.
All sorts of interesting predictions in the bible including...
The world ends in 2012!
That's almost exactly when we plan on retiring full time. It's just not fair.