Today I was talking to an older gentleman and somehow we got on the topic of the internet and he told me that had never been online. I told him about all the things that a person could access while online and I got to wondering when I first got online and for the life of me I can't really remember the first day. It's become such and intregal part of my life that I honestly can't remember. Now I remember the first time I drove a car and the first time I had sex but as I sit here and type, I don't remember the very first time I got online. I went to wiki and was reading about the history behind it and it got me to really thinking about what the internet means to humanity.
Is the internet really that important to the world?
Would you be different if there was no such thing as the internet?
Information, porn, dating, news, shopping, can all be found online. But what of the countless people out there that have never been to any of these sites. Are they missing out on something wonderful, or is it no big deal really for them if they don't know what they are missing.
Just some random thoughts at 230 in the morning.. If it weren't for the internet WTF would I do at night when I couldn't sleep
Is the internet really that important to the world?
Would you be different if there was no such thing as the internet?
Information, porn, dating, news, shopping, can all be found online. But what of the countless people out there that have never been to any of these sites. Are they missing out on something wonderful, or is it no big deal really for them if they don't know what they are missing.
Just some random thoughts at 230 in the morning.. If it weren't for the internet WTF would I do at night when I couldn't sleep
